Swamp - I'm thinking... something that looks like a luminous russula ingredient, since that green-blue-grey shroom is the one used for the Myconid. Or, you could make it something like "muck" and have it be swamp ooze or slime. Or, some sort of spore pod...
Telvanni - Hmm... what if it drops a soulgem? If it is a construct of Telvanni wizards, perhaps it is powered by soul gem enchantments? Or, you could have it drop some sort of Resin, textured like the ochre/amber shiny stuff in the texture.
Crystal - I'm thinking... hey, yeah, and empty soul gem would work good on this one! Or, you could have it drop a Crystal Chunck, with the same appearance (or, at least mesh) as Stalhrim. Heck, it'd be awesome if this was a Stalhrim monster in caves on Solstheim, the origin of the stalhrim used by the resident Nords to cover some of their dead.
I like that idea, maybe just a tweak on the luminous, maybe I can make that, I can probably stick some vines/roots on it for detail as well. There are a lot of possibilities for this one... the spore pod would be cool as well....
I think maybe a soulgem for the Telvanni one idea is a pretty good idea... I might add those in.... But I do like the resin idea, with a texture inspired from the yellow window/things on the telvanni buildings.
Using this as a Stalhrim monster is a cool idea too. I think it would look cool to retexture the adamantium mesh for it. Since it looks like one of the protrusions on his back.
If you can make some things that would be great! I'll probably end up including them all

Ash Golem > Ash Salts
Swamp Myconid > Luminous Russla (obvious)
Telvanni Myconid > Spongewood (since it's wood with a mixture of spongey fungus)
Crystal Atronach > Crystal Essence
I could explain more or make you the ingredients, if you want.
I'd like something unique for the Swamp Myconid. But I agree, that would be a very obvious ingredient ^_^
I like the spongewood idea too it'll add something unique to it.
The crystal essence is good as well. I made an http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr256/ericthered1090/OreEssence.jpg for the Iron Atronach. So I guess I don't want to overuse "essence".
BTW if you would be willing to maybe make what you were thinking of with the Spongewood that would be great. I like that idea!