corporeal comes from the Latin corpus which means "body." I would think we'd want a word that has more to do with bones.
Okay, handy-dandy Latin & English dictionary....
well, there's ossis, but that's a noun.
osseus -a -um is the adjectival form. The word for salt in Latin is masculine, which means you can use osseus. So... osseus salts. :shrug:
I like that idea. But the rest of the salts just use a noun "Fire Salts" "Frost Salts" "Wind Salts" "Void Salts" rather than "Fiery Salts" or "Frosty Salts"
So I think it would be safe to just name the new stuff using a noun. Personally I don't see what's wrong with naming it "Bone Salts" or something. Simply because it flows better with the other names of Atronach salts (all of them are just simple nouns). Perhaps it could be a distinct white as opposed to the yellow color of Bonemeal.
On second thought, bone salts is too, bony, I don't like that name. I could just reuse the gravedust mesh and call it Grave Salts. Or maybe Nether Salts? I like that one actually

What do you guys think?