I've always liked the Atronachs and wanted some more of them. So I took some resources and put this mod together.
In short this mod adds....
Flesh Atronach
Bone Atronach
Air Atronach
I didn't make any of these creatures. They are all from resources. I just combined them and set them up in the CS.
Here's the readme for more info...
The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND:==================Atronach Expansion==================Version 1.00By Melchior 1. Description2. Requirements3. Installing the plug-in4. Playing the plug-in5. Save games6. Conflicts/Known Errors7. Credits8. Contact and Information9. Legal Stuff/Disclaimer10. Changelog===============1. DESCRIPTION===============This mod takes several community resources and adds three new types of Atronachs to the leveled lists of Morrowind.Air Atronach: Mentioned in lore but not included in Morrowind. Watch out for their burden spell!Bone Atronach: This fleshless undead golem will directly damage your health with it's Deathbloom spell.Flesh Atronach: The equivilant of a Poison Atronach, this daedra was featured in Oblivion SI. ===============2. Requirements===============Morrowind========================3. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN========================Extract the esp file to c:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Data Files=====================4. PLAYING THE PLUGIN=====================From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to the Atronach Expansion.espThis mod has been cleaned with TESAME and Enchanted Editor. So no worries.To see the new atronachs you'll have to start exploring tombs, daedric ruins, and many other exterior/interior areas...===============5. SAVE GAMES===============You should be fine :)============================6. CONFLICTS / KNOWN ERRORS============================Use a leveled list merger with other leveled list altering mods. This will help avoid conflicts.============7. CREDITS============Bethesda for the great game of Morrowindquorn for the Flesh AtronachCaptainZaltan for the Bone AtronachLady Eternity for the Air AtronachMe for the mod itself :)==========================8. CONTACT AND INFORMATION==========================If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please feel free to write me. I will not accept any harrassment. Consider this your first warning.=========================9. LEGAL STUFF/ DISCLAIMER=========================Please do not upload this to any sites other than PES. But feel free to expand this mod or use it in your own mod. Just please give me credit where credit is due.=========Changelog=========1.00 Initial Release
Hope you guys like it....
and here's some screenshots

New (Unreleased)