What i want is a script that spawns enemy soldiers just outside my fort at random times, to add more immersive feeling to my war mod.
Could someone please right me up a script for this? I will be very gratefull.
Short WhichDayShort DayCountShort FightDayShort DoWarBegin GameMode If ( FightDay != GameDay ) Set FightDay to GameDay Set DayCount to ( DayCount + 1 ) Set WhichDay to ( GetRandomPercent + 1 ) Set WhichDay to ( WhichDay / 4 ) If ( WhichDay < 5 ) Set WhichDay to 5 EndIf EndIf If ( DayCount >= WhichDay ) Set DayCount to 0 Set DoWar to 1 EndIf If ( DoWar == 1 ) Set DoWar to 0 NPCAttacker01.Resurrect 0 NPCAttacker01.Enable NPCAttacker02.Resurrect 0 NPCAttacker02.Enable . . . NPCAttacker11.Resurrect 0 NPCAttacker11.Enable EndIfEnd