**Attention Crytek***

Post » Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:09 am

I would like to share my system specs and what I have done to troubleshoot the constant crashing.

Build 1:
O/S Windows 7 x64 ultimate
FX -8120 oc'ed 3.6 -4.0
RAM corsair 16GB 1866
Radeon 7970 driver 13.1 and 13.2
PSW 850 Corsair
Gigabyte 990 FXA -UD3
Custom water loop


Crashes happen 95% of the time at loading into MP, at a percentage of 99% loaded. The other 5% of the crashes are from the loading of MP at a range of 96% to 98%. I really don't know if this helps, but it hard to debug in release.

Singleplayer crashes only when I make it crash. Saying that if I play calm and like a noob, it won't crash. Go into detail on this later.

Build 2:
Fresh Install (Only video drivers and Crysis /Origin)
O/S Windows 7 x64 ultimate
FX -8120 (Stock)
RAM Partior Viper 8GB (Stock 1333)
Radeon 7970 driver 13.2
PSW 850 Corsair
Gigabyte 990 FXA -UD3
Customer water loop

This also crashes at 99% and I can't seem to find a hardware or software setting that is working.

Troubleshooting ideas
Underclocked everything (crashed)
Underclocked Proc, Ram, Card seperate (crash)
Changed to old Ram 8GB (crash)
Deleted and reinstalled game 3 times (crash)

If you would like any system information or crash files, backuplogs, or anything let me know. Lets establish a 2 way dialogue here!

If I have missed anything, please let me know. I don't want to give up on the game just yet. I will have to if i can't play it. I personally have worked in a QA studio before. Though my publisher was THQ it doesn't mater, its all the same. The goal here to is to make the customer happy and deliver a product / deliverable that is free of as many defects as possible. This increases marketshare, with running reputation with C2 and now C3, I don't see myself buying another title unless this is fixed 100%. I might be a small fish in a big pond, but PC, 360, and PS3 are crashing and customers are unhappy.

Don't take the money and run. Swallow your pride and deliver a product to the gaming public that is rock solid and beautiful!

If anyone has a fix or a work around let me know and I will very grateful for all the help. Please!!
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