I now it's off topic. But, I can hear the iCrickets chirping. Hello - o - o - o - o - o ? ? ? ? Anyone typing ???? Oh wait, was that an iFart???
I now it's off topic. But, I can hear the iCrickets chirping. Hello - o - o - o - o - o ? ? ? ? Anyone typing ???? Oh wait, was that an iFart???
I moved on...and play a different game, cheers.
I moved on many moons ago but I will still be visiting here, someone will always need help and let's face it I been around since Oblivion came out and I intend to still be here berating Beth if they mess up the next ES game.
Yes I will also give credit if they do it right, I'm not an unreasonable person really.
The more the merrier, when a new game comes out there will always be the ES newbies or those who are hoping that things have improved after getting burned in the past and they should be able to rely on seasoned campaigners. People who have been around a while and can warn of the pitfalls and decipher the platitudes that we know Bethesda come out with as things go wrong and need fixing.
Yes the boards will go quiet it's perfectly normal, although given Skyrim's problems and the number of experienced members who have been banned, it's not surprising it got quiet round here sooner than usual.