» Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:59 am
May I ask on which servers this happened? I'm sure it wasn't a server like DDD or FlawlessVictory....or a Stormers-server....go there, there are always good players. If you go just on some random server, it should be clear that there are not only pro's but also normal or even bad players.
Go on a server with good players, you will have lots of more fun there and the other players will also have lots of fun when you're away and not pwning them...
I myself am not a good player, I struggle almost every time to have a positive KDR. And I hate it, when there are pro's on a server and pwning everyone without even thinking about the fact, that this server may be a gather-point for newbs or simply not experienced/good players. But hey, everyone can play on what server he wants....But it's a lot mor annoying if those pro's are complaining about the others, if they are whining about how good they are and how bad the others are...too ignorant to see that not everyone can be a pro. Too dumb to realize it. Too asocial for this world.
Look, there are hundreds of servers, why not join another one if the current one is filled with "bad" players?
You did the opposite of what I was planning to do. I wanted to open a thread about the problem of too less pro-servers, because there was a time whenever I joined a server, there was either a pro pnwing everyone or a hacker butt-raping everyone. And you opened a thread about too many bad players or what?
I really don't know your playstyle, I don't know if you're part of the nice guys or if you're an asshole, so please don't let this post offend you. I can only judge from your opening post, and well....doesn't look good for you. But I guess you are just angry, and then it's possible to post things you wouldn't post otherwise.
Please note that this is not a complaint about all pro's, most of them are quite nice guys, but some are just assholes. Killing everyone without effort and laughing.
And someone else may not consider some guys as pro's that I'm calling so. That's up to everyone.
And some guys won't even understand my post because of my bad english.....
And ****!!! I had to rewrite the whole post because I was logged out while typing and everything was deleted when I wanted to see the preview! What's up with this site? I have to delete my cookies everytime to log in, and now I'm getting randomly logged out?