Broken for some, not the masses. It's heavily system dependant, meaning what effects one, won't necessarily effect another. Then again, if you base your opinion on those of others and not your own experiences..... Well I guess the only thing I can say is to play it yourself and stop basing your opinions on the reviews of others.
They are working on fixing the product, it's you newboarders that haven't seen the replies, or efforts they've made since it's release. So no, they don't have to fix it any faster then they have been. They've been doing a damn good job and the game has come leaps and bounds from it's previously unplayable state.
Instead of just looking at the hits for freezing, take a look at the topics where people adress the devs directly, and get responses. You might be surprised.
They are working on fixing the product, it's you newboarders that haven't seen the replies, or efforts they've made since it's release. So no, they don't have to fix it any faster then they have been. They've been doing a damn good job and the game has come leaps and bounds from it's previously unplayable state.
Instead of just looking at the hits for freezing, take a look at the topics where people adress the devs directly, and get responses. You might be surprised.
Uh, no, IT IS broken for the masses. My opinion is based on my experiences, backed up by a huge number of written accounts here and elsewhere on the web that the game (FNV) regularly crashes consoles. That was the whole point of my post.
Accusing me of not seeing replies or efforts made by it's release is an accusation that is incorrect and that has no relevancy to my point. It only goes to exemplify the kind of mentality software manufacturers (bean counters really, it's a BILLION $$$ industry!!!) are counting on when releasing shoddy product. If we don't hold them accountable, lackadaisical attitudes like yours will only perpetuate the release of unfinished, untested, and basically unplayable product.
Some of you may be all for free beta testing, I and many others however are not. When we pay for product, we expect it to finished, not still broken after nine months and five patches later!!!