I've been following Todd Howard and his explanations. I cannot quote him EXACTLY, but I remember reading something along these lines in an interview about lost attributes:
'the eight attributes are gone, now there are only three (health, magic, and energy/stamina). When someone complains about this, I ask them 'what do you want?' they say 'I need Intelligence, so I can increase my magic' but now when you level, you can do that anyway. All the old attributes jus trickled down to one of those.'
I read that and was simply dumbfounded. Personally, if he asked ME, I wouldn't have given the [censored] 'intelligence' answer. Asked for what I wanted in attributes, here would be MY answer:
Attributes are a MUST... ESPECIALLY for an RPG. you need things like Strength, to distinguish the max carry weight between a powerful but physically weak Mage and a hardy Warrior. How about Willpower, to pick up magic regeneration rate? Or speed, to give rogue-like characters a running-speed advantage that their character build needs? Don't forget Agility, to help the thieves take less damage from blows, also a necessity for that build (since their health isn't too high). All of these things don't "muck up the waters", not even close! They make the game experience the way an RPG should be. Skyrim looks amazing, I pre ordered it and plan to puck it up ASAP, but still, attributes need to be included, even if they increase slowly or even not at all. The races should be distinguished, especially in things such as speed and carry weight. As if right now from all I gave heard, they aren't, in EITHER of those things.
I may talk more on this subject later. Feel free to send me feedback, thoughts, hate mail, whatever ya want. I would love to hear your guys' thoughts on this.