Who does more damage with their sword? Conan or Zorro? Does one have a distinct advantage in lethality with a sword due to natural attributes?
I don't think anyone would dispute that Conan's physical strength would be far superior to Zorro's but does that make him deadlier with a sword? If a game was made that simulated both these characters should Conan do more damage in game than Zorro just because his muscles are bigger?
Maybe you think so, I certainly wouldn't. Their skill with a sword, even if of very different styles, are what make them deadly with their weapons. Not physical strength.
Yes from their natural attributes also, Zorro has high agility and speed while Conan has strength and speed, for one skill can be more then just one governing attribute, thats one of ways to fix flawed implementation of attributes, both has high skills in blades, but one has specialization on broadswords and great sword while another has specialization in rapiers (perks was applied) also take a look at
Governing Attributes
Racial cap is not a good way to fix the problem, it would make certain races way too optimal for certain playstyles, like playing an orc mage wouldn't be optimal because he will never be as good as an Altmer mage.
Any race should be able to become the best in their areas, but the way to get there would be harder or easier. Returning to the orc mage, he should able to get better or equal than an Altmer mage, but he would have a harder time doing so.
This is best shown in starting attributes/stats/skills, not on maximum caps.
Well certain Birthsigns was also way too optimal for certain playstyles? So devs decide remove them also because some newbs will take a mage for their barbarian?
Thats was before also certain races was better suit to certain roles, and if orc mage wouldn't be optimal because he will never be as good as an Altmer mage seems reasonable is this not?
Orc will never equal to Altmer their cultures has to many differences as well as their religion thats both have impact on their ability development
About caps you are wrong, caps needed for example naturally you cant rise abilities over some limit thats not ultimately better as average for example to 70 all what above will be unnatural actor to has such attributes and can be risen by mystical ways, but certain races have racial bonuses thats apply over limit so Orc mage will has 70 as maxed Intelligence naturally if spend his life for studding magic, while Altmer mage will has 80-90 if spend his life to study magic, all over above can be achived from mystical sources, bot Orc and Altmer start with some points in Intelligence but altmer will has +10 Intelligence as racial trait, all races in TES has equal attribute points sum 320 points just spend in different way, nice if can change and lower minimal starting attributes and invest spare points into another attribute, to simulate even more how hard thats was to character of different race to walk on unusual for his race way of specialization.
So if they're premade they have to svck?
Did you read well my post?
Thats good thats premade spells become useful, and thats will be really bad if such spell mechanic will be hardcoded so we cant edit them for balance or create new spells similar to such unique ones.
Another problem is reduction of spell effects in game since thats strike on variability and modding potential, Todd say classical magic was too "spreadsheety" thats apples only spells from ingame spellmaking and premade spells what developers add to game.
Even with 5 unique perk per skill I think they could include some "cut" content like some of the birthsigns in certain skills, probably the magic ones.
That's probably because you tend to overestimate how much content was actually cut...
Maybe, there is no much info thats can disprove or confirm many aspects thats tied to removed features, Skyrim will be surprise for me only good one or bad one I don't know, I hope it will be good one.
If they will not abble replace attributes in proper way with perks, skills and parameters thats will be dead end, like the same what Arkane Studios put them self when change Arx Fatalis 2 into Dark Messiah, but since Skyrim still has Open world and Modding tools, death end will not the same horrible I believe.