As for the weak looking character. Weak people can do just as much damage as strong people, it's all in technique with weapons, not brute strength. A strong guy can do massive damage by swinging his mace with all his strength but a weak guy using a mace has had to practice to make up for his lack of strength so he has learned certain areas of the body to hit that will cause massive damage, something that the strong guy never had to look for because he already does massive damage just by swinging. There's the way that a weak guy can do just as much damage as a strong guy. Adaptation.
Which the weak guy doing that kinda damage, is already reflected by skill >.> you completely missed the point where that big beefy guy with brute strength is no longer reflected, "anywhere" not even by perks im sure.
I'll agree technique is more important, but you ignored where i also said in a previous post "equally skilled" characters will do the same damage, REGARDLESS that one clearly is stronger, just because of skill (perks aside since they could just as easily have the same perks)... perks dont properly reflect attributes anyhow. cause your not gonna tell me they have a "Strength Perk!: You deal more damage on your hits, because your that much stronger! and you also can carry more stuff, flex your muscles and be oohhh, and awww'd at in town, slight bonus to your health, and blah blah blah".... I am gonna laugh if they actually did do that, :-p
no matter how you paint it up,... get enough strength, its better,.. or on the other side, get more skill, then its better, your example only shows that skill is important(more important? sure),.. not that it makes a scene where two equally skilled characters(both being equally skilled meaning them both hitting those weak spots your taking about, in case that wasnt clear), but one with more physical strength, will dish only the same damage. Which is gonna be a common problem now
and that two-ton rock lifting person will gladly smash your no-strength sword dancer Deathcoffee

Assuming he wasnt an orge and too stupid to know what to do with his strength and had equal skill- which is the point im making. Sleign is incorrect in saying a weak person can do just as much damage as a strong person.. place them both at the same skill levels and test this. More force still comes out to more damage. GRANTED that skill is more important, but without strength you might as well have taken orges out of the game as well in that case... speaking of which, how the heck are giants handled then? (Answer: Very Carefully)
and the power attack thing should have been obvious in my post that i was well aware of what they did, it even referenced the perks for them only having only effects. Sorry for posting it like that in a joking manner, rather misleading.
but you know,.. dont get me wrong,.. i love the idea of these perks,... but if strength and other attributes are now spead among perks- idk, that doesnt make sense and creates powerful warriors en masse' of every character... hey you said yourself, skill is more important, but now it doesn't have low strength scores to hold it back :/ perks let you specialize, but they dont make you strong, therefore those perks are no better than an extension of the skills themselves.
and sorry for the lengthy posts,... just trying to get me point across and the responses, well in this case, doesn't apply because the scenerio i presented was not addressed, or probally just not understood.
The answer obviously lies in the full view on how their perks are actually set up, so i could be shown they did this right, just as easily as you can be shown they did it exactly how im trying to point out. Which I guess is to say the system is flawed without a way to properly reflect strength? Because of the oddities that will arise between seemingly physically strong and weak characters, both equally skilled.
EDIT: And on the subject of redundancy,.. whats wrong with two seperate factors adding into the same result? it IS the sum of a persons skill and strength that creates the damage after all... it wont make sense no matter how they cover it