So... now running speed and carrying stuff is moved to skills that don't advance by running?
When players wonder why their character is so slow is the answer going to be "because you didn't level up your blade skill"?
I'd like to see some sort of coherence here. I don't actually care what the gameplay mechanics are called. As long as it's still there and makes sense in the way it's put in. But I also don't want to be the guy that mods back in athletics just so people can play a fast character without leveling a skill they don't care about. Sometimes you don't need an interesting decision. Sometimes just "progress" and "my character is getting stronger!" will be enough to get someone to have fun.
By the way, people liked Fallout New Vegas more when things like skill checks were added, so all there skills were useful and there were more ways to play the game. Someone explain to me how "we couldn't get it to be fun so we're not trying." Is the better option?