» Tue May 17, 2011 4:16 pm
Almost certainly, the role of attributes will appear in some way in Oblivion - there'll be some way of calculating different walking speeds, different magicka, different encumbrance, different melee weapon damage, different spell resistance, etc. Because of this, I'm somewhat bemused by the claim that removing attributes will somehow be to the detriment of Skyrim. If attributes are out, we don't know what other mechanism Bethesda have implemented to do the things that attributes did in previous games. Is there some argument that attributes, necessarily, do it better than any other conceivable system?
The question, at this point, is whether the mechanism for achieving these effects will be exactly that of Oblivion (or Morrowind). Some think things like different walking speeds, different magicka, etc. will be calculated from skills + skill perks, and so attributes will be out. Others have suggested that attributes will still be in, but will increase passively as you increase your skills. Others have suggested that it'll be pretty much business as usual. At this point, we don't know, but I think at this stage we should keep an open mind that the system Bethesda chooses might work at least as well as previous games.