Hey again stattis,
I got Audacious Magery to work pretty flawless for a while (I have no idea how) then just recently I found many new spells uncastable. I did a clean-install and now it seems to work perfectly. (??) I wonder if some things in the ini file can mess things up since now I'm using an almost untouched ini?
Anyway I have a few questions:
When using vanilla mastery levels, only spells higher than your mastery levels will cause penalties. For example, if you have 30 skill in Restoration, there will be no penalty for casting novice or apprentice spells, but there will be penalties for casting journeyman spells and above.
Does the penalties when using the vanillamastery mod (with penalties) increse for each mastery level? I mean if I'm a novice and cast a master spell I will suffer more than I I'd casted a Jouneyman spell.
I guess so but there's not any documentation on this and I've been using the other mode until now.
-Wielding a staff of the same school as the spell you cast helps reduce penalties, failure chance, and backfiring. This has a strong effect so choose your staff wisely.
Is that the highest cost spell effect that counts (both in the spell and in the staff)? I ask because many spells/staffs have more than 1 spell effect.
A skilled illusionist can be different things to different people. Increasing your illusion skill gives you a bonus in an attribute, and you can change which attribute is increased at any time by using the Illusion Skill lesser power. The bonuses are as follows:
25 - +1
50 - +2
75 - +3
100 - +5
May I suggest upping the bonuses here to something like:
25 - +3
50 - +5
75 - +7
100 - +10
What exactly does this ini setting do:
;penaltyRandomMultiplier changes how random the penalties are.
set aaEMMainQuest.penaltyRandomMultiplier to 0.8
- Mercer