[RELz] Audacious Magery

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:24 pm

Statttis - thanks for answer on the Fizzle thread - probably should have asked here.

So to follow up - first , wouldn't you know it the first time I installed the mod forgot to tell BAIN it had ini package and that was not installed. Is that really bad?

More to the point - as I understand it Sorcerys Toll permanently removed rankings of spells. If this mod is removed and you chose that option in the ini - will it be like ST in that ranks will remain removed?

So now that I see this has spell failure I probably will just stick to this as opposed to using Fizzle at all.

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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:44 pm

Statttis - thanks for answer on the Fizzle thread - probably should have asked here.

So to follow up - first , wouldn't you know it the first time I installed the mod forgot to tell BAIN it had ini package and that was not installed. Is that really bad?

More to the point - as I understand it Sorcerys Toll permanently removed rankings of spells. If this mod is removed and you chose that option in the ini - will it be like ST in that ranks will remain removed?

So now that I see this has spell failure I probably will just stick to this as opposed to using Fizzle at all.


Without the ini all features are disabled so you should probably make sure it is in place before playing :)

One of the main design goals of this mod was to make sure everything it does is configurable and temporary. You can change the options at any time, and regardless of the options you choose, your game will be restored to normal after removing the mod.
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:45 pm


Ok - promise I'll check back in and let you know.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:26 pm

Woot, thanks for making this mod it sounds great! The way all spells were made novice rank in Sorcery's Toll bothered me too. :lol:

Btw, would you consider adding an option to the ini to make spells be less effective depending on you fatigue(in the same way how weapon damage gets less with low fatigue), and/or for the spell failure chance to be effected by fatigue as well?

Edit: So I understand that the Vanilla like system maintains spells ranks and you can cast any in and below your mastery level, but what about the system like Sorcery's Toll? Does it have to make all spells novice rank to make it work like Sorcey's Toll does, or have you made it a different way so the skills still display what their ranks would be? Sorry if that's confusing. :embarrass:
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:26 pm

Very nice mod! I thought about adding ST some time ago but this one is definitely in my list.

Whats exactly the difference between

set aaEMMainQuest.minFailureChance to 0
set aaEMMainQuest.maxFailureChance to 70


set aaEMMainQuest.failureChanceMultiplier to 1.0?

Thanks in advance, Spock
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:43 am

Woot, thanks for making this mod it sounds great! The way all spells were made novice rank in Sorcery's Toll bothered me too. :lol:

Btw, would you consider adding an option to the ini to make spells be less effective depending on you fatigue(in the same way how weapon damage gets less with low fatigue), and/or for the spell failure chance to be effected by fatigue as well?

Edit: So I understand that the Vanilla like system maintains spells ranks and you can cast any in and below your mastery level, but what about the system like Sorcery's Toll? Does it have to make all spells novice rank to make it work like Sorcey's Toll does, or have you made it a different way so the skills still display what their ranks would be? Sorry if that's confusing. :embarrass:

I may add some fatigue stuff in a future version. If you don't want to wait, check out Fizzle by tejon. It does exactly what you're asking for, and can be used alongside AM.

Spells will still display their rank, regardless of which option you choose.

Very nice mod! I thought about adding ST some time ago but this one is definitely in my list.

Whats exactly the difference between

set aaEMMainQuest.minFailureChance to 0
set aaEMMainQuest.maxFailureChance to 70


set aaEMMainQuest.failureChanceMultiplier to 1.0?

Thanks in advance, Spock

The min and max failure chance are the limits - there will never be below min (0 in this case) chance of failing and never above max. The multiplier can be used to make failure more or less likely, though it will still be bounded by the limits you set.
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meg knight
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:36 pm

Potential issue: you both use Conduit Magic, which I haven't tested against. I took a quick look at CM and it deals with autocalc values which would result in the error you're reporting. Try loading up without Conduit Magic and see if the error persists. If it does, I can see if a fix is possible.

Not really on topic, but the way Conduit Magic uses clone forms will cause savegame bloat.

I just want to clear something up here. Conduit Magic does not cause savegame bloat. It does clone forms but only when the weapon/enchantment isn't already a cloned form. Otherwise the forms are reused. So no unneccesary forms are created.

Anyway, the save file overhead of a typical conduit enchantment with two effects is ~112 bytes, Conduit Magic would need to clone over 9000 (heh) forms before it even takes up one MB of disk space. Since Conduit Magic only does anything when you tell it to it's unlikely you'll ever notice any bloat, even if I hadn't taken precautions.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:05 pm

I may add some fatigue stuff in a future version. If you don't want to wait, check out Fizzle by tejon. It does exactly what you're asking for, and can be used alongside AM.

I would but I really really like how this mod keeps the spells ranks in place, which Fizzle will remove and make them all say they are novice if I read correctly.

Spells will still display their rank, regardless of which option you choose.

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:47 am

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20850 has the option to make spells less effective based on fatigue but doesn't otherwise change magic.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:41 pm

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20850 has the option to make spells less effective based on fatigue but doesn't otherwise change magic.

Oh cheers, I'll use that unless you add it to a future version. Thanks for being so helpful statttis. :)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:47 pm

QUOTE (Seventh Son of A Seventh Son @ Jul 19 2009, 06:48 PM) *
I'm getting a strange issue with summons (in conjunction with L.A.M.E. ans SM), and that is that they last for 1 sec (not very useful). Testing linked this problem directly to this mod - is this an issue you are aware of? For now I'll DL the latest version and pray/fiddle with ini. Another suggestion - would it be possible to add a label (visible) to all spells to see the mastery level of each one? (because with limits removed the game (well, the hud) assumes all spells are castable and does away with telling you what mastery level the spell is).

Well done on a great mod otherwise btw.

The issue with summons must be a conflict with a 4th mod - I've tested AM with LAME and SM. If you post your load order I might be able to help figure out the issue. It's definitely a conflict though, since AM doesn't even touch summon durations.

As for the second issue... check your spellbook wink.gif
Limits are only removed for the spell you have currently selected. Mastery levels will still be properly displayed for everything else.

Yes -it probably was. Have re-installed etc, using all 3 and there's no problem. Thanks again for a great mod.

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Noraima Vega
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:22 pm

Hey statttis,
Are abilities- and enchantments added magic skill bonuses counted towards avoiding penalties? I think they should.
I just tried some spells that cost around 15 magicka in-game with a skill of 105. I got penalties for using the spells. (?)

That's the only bug I've encountered. Otherwise top-notch mod. :thumbsup:
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Jake Easom
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:06 pm

Thanks for the kind words everybody :)

Hey statttis,
Are abilities- and enchantments added magic skill bonuses counted towards avoiding penalties? I think they should.
I just tried some spells that cost around 15 magicka in-game with a skill of 105. I got penalties for using the spells. (?)

That's the only bug I've encountered. Otherwise top-notch mod. :thumbsup:

This is working as intended. If bonuses from spells counted toward your skill level it would be easy to exploit the system. You could just create a "fortify destruction skill 200 for 1 second" spell then cast your Megadeathbomb spell without any worries. Though you still will get some penalty reductions by artificially increasing your skill, since it lowers the magicka cost of your spells. Also, the reductions from Willpower, Intelligence, and Personality will use bonuses from spells/enchants (balanced since they have a much smaller effect than skill level).
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:18 am

Alright, it's intended then. I just thought it was possible to gain benefits from at least abilities.
BTW I sincerely doubt anyone using this mod is going to use such "cheat" spells...why would they load this mod if they did? :P I get the point though. ;)
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:15 pm

Strangely I'm being penalised for casting spells within my mastery level (novice spells! - would you believe it?)

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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:38 am

Strangely I'm being penalised for casting spells within my mastery level (novice spells! - would you believe it?)


Which of the mastery modes are you using? The default ini settings do not use vanilla/default mastery, so if the novice spell is expensive, you may get penalties.

Check this line in the ini:
set aaEMMainQuest.useDefaultMastery to 0

If that is still 0, penalties are calculated based on spell magicka cost, using this formula:
player mastery = (magic skill) * masteryMultiplier (default 1.7)

Re-read the first part of the readme under Details for a full explanation.

In the next version, I'm changing the name of that variable to useVanillaMastery. I've confused even myself with how "default mastery" is not the default setting.
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:44 pm

Which of the mastery modes are you using? The default ini settings do not use vanilla/default mastery, so if the novice spell is expensive, you may get penalties.

Check this line in the ini:
set aaEMMainQuest.useDefaultMastery to 0

If that is still 0, penalties are calculated based on spell magicka cost, using this formula:
player mastery = (magic skill) * masteryMultiplier (default 1.7)

Thanks - that makes sense.

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Philip Rua
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:13 pm

HMM well I haven't noticed the magicka costs going really low again but I did have a strange issue. I had been wandering around using a powerful light spell costing 140 magicka, my illusion skill being around 95-98 I'd occasionally get a disease, or see a quick spell effect show up when casting the light spell. Then I summoned a lich (340 magicka, 74 Conjuration skill)... All of my stats hit zero and I was knocked out and over encumbered on the ground. After eating a few restore willpower, strength,fatigue, etc. potions I was able to http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/phoenix7/Oblivion/statslow.jpg. I thought, "Damn! maybe it was the diseases" but, nope they only account for a http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/phoenix7/Oblivion/statsaftercure.jpg of the damaged stats. After using a restore 10 every attribute spell a couple times things started to look better, but my intelligence was capping out at 157 even without any fortify items (except for Julianos' blessing which only gives 5)... I did end up fixing it by using the unofficial patch's "fix attributes" feature(The UOP fixed other attributes like strength by like 8 and speed by 10, but Intelligence was the most obvious screwy stat), but I figured I'd report it if something went screwy with this mod.

EDIT: Never mind, the broken attributes were there before any of that happened, it's just the restoration of my stats made me notice it. Still wonder what caused it though...

By the way a bit nit picky but, why do all of the non disease effects have no names? I mean most of the time when you see "Damage magicka" "magnitude 50" you don't need a witty name to explain that to you, but... it's still nice to have :). There is a script effect named "unknown" that shows up every now and again though. Also the the "school advancements" still say the vanilla thing: "You can now cast Apprentice/journeyman/expert/master spells!"
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:43 pm

HMM well I haven't noticed the magicka costs going really low again but I did have a strange issue. I had been wandering around using a powerful light spell costing 140 magicka, my illusion skill being around 95-98 I'd occasionally get a disease, or see a quick spell effect show up when casting the light spell. Then I summoned a lich (340 magicka, 74 Conjuration skill)...

Using default settings you had 125 skill vs 340 magicka cost, so a nasty penalty is no surprise. A huge difference at -26 skill isn't really how I intended the mod to work, but it's mostly a problem with how Oblivion handles magic skill progression. Basically, spell costs don't scale evenly, and there ends up being a huge magicka cost drop as you approach mastery skill. Race Balancing Project fixes this issue by evening out the spell cost progression. There may also be some standalone mods that fix the issue.

All of my stats hit zero and I was knocked out and over encumbered on the ground. After eating a few restore willpower, strength,fatigue, etc. potions I was able to http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/phoenix7/Oblivion/statslow.jpg. I thought, "Damn! maybe it was the diseases" but, nope they only account for a http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v189/phoenix7/Oblivion/statsaftercure.jpg of the damaged stats. After using a restore 10 every attribute spell a couple times things started to look better, but my intelligence was capping out at 157 even without any fortify items (except for Julianos' blessing which only gives 5)... I did end up fixing it by using the unofficial patch's "fix attributes" feature(The UOP fixed other attributes like strength by like 8 and speed by 10, but Intelligence was the most obvious screwy stat), but I figured I'd report it if something went screwy with this mod.

What you encountered was a particularly nasty penalty. I don't think that sort of attribute damage is much fun though, so I've changed things for the new version.

By the way a bit nit picky but, why do all of the non disease effects have no names? I mean most of the time when you see "Damage magicka" "magnitude 50" you don't need a witty name to explain that to you, but... it's still nice to have :). There is a script effect named "unknown" that shows up every now and again though. Also the the "school advancements" still say the vanilla thing: "You can now cast Apprentice/journeyman/expert/master spells!"

I guess I never noticed the lack of names. That has been fixed :)

Update v1.05:
Removed an unpleasant penalty.
Added new customization options: set the mastery multiplier for each school of magic individually.
Cleared up some confusing wording.
Penalty effects now show the name of the spell that caused them.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:13 pm

Hm, so I have my multiplier set at 2 (because I want to be able to cast quite well), and my alteration skill is 70. This gives me 140 magicka to safely mess with, right?
So why is my 139-magicka command spell giving me icky diseases! D:

Is it a sort of "fuzzy" barrier? I guess that makes more sense, really.
(Or does my spell effectiveness factor in, too? Because it's highly borderline)
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:42 pm

Command is an Illusion spell, so it will use your Illusion skill level.
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:07 am

er. ER. ER.

I feel incredibly dim right now. Incredibly.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:30 pm

hi there.

i have a strange problem.

this mod seams to give my greater powers spell cost... ??
is that a bug or intentional... bcos i dont like my summon ancestoral guardian to cost 320 mana :)
i allso have some other greator and lessor powers that now cost mana that was free before-

anyone got the same problem ??

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:47 pm

hi there.

i have a strange problem.

this mod seams to give my greater powers spell cost... ??
is that a bug or intentional... bcos i dont like my summon ancestoral guardian to cost 320 mana :)
i allso have some other greator and lessor powers that now cost mana that was free before-

anyone got the same problem ??


Yeah, I myself noticed a lesser power costing 4 magicka instead of 0. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that it's important that, that spell costs nothing.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:57 pm

Looks like I had a couple of safeguards missing for powers. Bug fixed, get the new version from tesnexus.

On a side note, you guys must go nuts with your spells. I was only able to reproduce the error by using a hotkey casting mod and basically mashing my hotkeys.
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