:( Still not happy about kill moves. I didnt really want any, but I would tolerate (and probably grow to like) 1st person ones. But Im really, really annoyed about the 3rd person ones. I hope to god that they only trigger if you play in 3rd person. But they way he says it, it sounds as if they are forced, no matter what....
3rd person camera should at no point ever be forced upon the player.
I was gonna say "I hope that what they mean is that third person view will give third person kill moves..." but I remember that gameplay video with the dragon when he does the God of War axe-head-smash.
I can only assume now that if you are in third person, you will also be warped into first person for some kill moves. Either way I think it's pretty jarring. But no game yet as really captured a good view style. "modifiable third person" gives me hope for tweaking it just right. The problem is that traditional third person shows you way too much (I realize some people prefer it, I use when I'm just running, or want to see my guy fight for cinematic enjoyment) but first person views are too limited, with the tunnel vision caused by using a single flat screen to convey 180 degree curved field of view.
What I can't stand is games like Diablo where you can see the tops of trees...and yet I love Gauntlet Legends, which is really only a few feet closer...I guess I just don't want my char to be a half inch tall on the screen. Seems...inadequate.