» Sat May 28, 2011 7:48 am
This is my rough speculation behind a fictional Australia in the Fallout universe before the "Great War".
Kind of did it in a Wiki set out.
So I guess let's not get off topic here,
Back onto what happened with Australia.
Everyone knows the Chinese were staging an invasion of the US in relevance to "Anchorage", in that respect I don't see them having the resources or manpower to waste on an invasion of Australia.
Instead, I think they ignored it in general, used the Philippines as a naval base and pressed on to America. When the Chinese invaded Alaska, they had amassed an enormous fleet of supply ships, cruisers, destroyers and carriers to maintain the shipping lanes and their control of the Philippines.
In this case they didn't see the use in Malaysia and New Guinea, so most of the pacific Islands were ignored - confident that Australia would not enter a war with China, considering their ties to the English Commonwealth were still in place and America annexing Canada had somewhat pissed off the Commonwealth.
They didn't see Australia has an immediate threat to the Chinese mainland, and decided that the best course was to conquer America and in turn use the resources gained from such an undertaking to turn on the Australians.
Once the foothold in Alaska was underway, I believe it did not stop there. In my view part of Canada must have been invaded and the Americans were being battered by the Chinese onslaught and were only managing slight advances before being stopped and sometimes pushed back. The manpower and tech the Chinese were fielding was simply overwhelming.
Not to mention the Canadian resistance, terrible weather and bad terrain saw much confusion in the fighting.
As a result, America saw the seemingly unimportant nation of Australia as a useful tool. Knowing that WW2 had provided them with extensive knowledge of Jungle Warfare they decided to put political pressure on the Australians to assist believing that if the Australians were able to place a stranglehold upon the Chinese forces in the Philippines, it might slow down the supplies and troops heading to Alaska and Canada and would also secure a checkpoint for the United States to use as a counter offensive.
By this time the Australian Armed Forces would have been tripled in comparison to our time. The collective wealth of the Australian government by nationalizing the raw materials trade created a boon of wealth used mainly for defense and other projects. As a result, a considerable Navy was constructed and refitted, a bulk of it being maneuverable cruisers and destroyers, slightly smaller than their Chinese counter part but faster and equipped with deadly guns much suitable for the Pacific.
Political pressure from the US President saw the Australian Prime Minister consider his request, although England did not support any war with China and insisted that the Australians send another Squadron of SAS to assist in Europe, the Australian government was forced to consider that no harm has ever come to them in regards to helping Americans, although they did not agree with the US annexing Canada it was clear that the situation was turning out much like WW2, in which the British were happy enough to feed the Australians to the Japanese.
The Prime Minister had a choice to make, China had not openly declared war with Australia and had pretty much ignored them, and he thought 'I supposed that is the keyword... 'Ignored'. It's like two powerful hunters fighting over the trapped prey, and it seemed that Australia was that prey'
And it was true, as the Philippines was a staging ground for the invasion of the US, it could equally be used to turn on Australia.
However, the Prime Minister was unwilling to go in guns blazing as the US demanded and his chief of the military was less than enthusiastic over such a plan. The political pressure had taken the toll on the government, whether they liked it or not they were gunning it out with the yanks, but they wished to avoid another disaster like the previous pacific war.
Instead the plan was to use the bulk of the Australian Regular Army to fortify New Guinea as Australia's gateway, they would be prepared to make that their first line of defense if necessary - Australia's security was paramount. The rest of the Regular Army and Militia would be used as reserves posted in all the capitol cities of the country. In a similar sense, the growing tension of nuclear threat in the world demanded some attention, through use of robots and infrastructure experts the Australian Government commissioned the construction of a large "Vault City" in the mountains of the Great Dividing Range where an old underground highway connects the mountains, Sydney and Canberra together, followed by one large Vault in each capitol city by which tickets were sold off exclusively to politicians, scientists, doctors, rich businessmen, etc. With a standard group of government maintenance, security and specialist personnel along with their families.
The Vault City in itself was designed to preserve every aspect of Australian culture that the Government felt would deemed to be worth saving for the future. It included the brightest scientists and medical personnel in every field ranging from genetics, physics and chemical research. Along with these would be the country's leading specialists in agriculture and mining sciences. These people were only allowed their direct family into the vault with them. Along with these brilliant minds was the leading government body at the time and his direct staff and their families. This government staff would include The Prime Minister, Chiefs of the Military and National Security Advisers along with various Ministers. A leading historian of Australia would be brought into the vault to make sure that history is preserved. The last group to enter would be selective military personnel from all fields including Special Forces, Army, Naval and Air Force Engineers, Communications Technicians and Trade Specialists. Their relevant families would be brought with them.
(Note, this Vault city would be exceptionally large built from the previous excavated operations in the mountains and designed to accommodate a large community with food, water, oxygen, efficient living space and recreation). The added families were brought to provide a variety of people to progress the community.) Excavation and building machinery and robots were kept in the maintenance bay to assist with any further necessary construction.
The idea behind this vault was that if all others failed, the people in this vault would secure a disciplined community based on preserving the Australian way of life.
Essentially the rest of the war would see heavy skirmishes fought by the Chinese and the Australian Navy in the pacific, and a covert troop movement through the Philippines to destroy docked Chinese ships, supply depots and troop garrisons, along with I’d imagine a hefty ground battle that would result in the Australians gaining temporary control of the island long enough to destroy the potentially troublesome shore defenses placed on the island. A large naval battle that would probably force the Australians back due to sheer numbers, but in turn they would have successfully crippled the Chinese supply route and redirected Chinese attention from the US to the Pacific, allowing the US to engage them in full force with their Navy most likely kicking their Communist asses all the way back to Midway and the Pacific, the Australians probably faced a large force of Chinese landing on New Guinea in an attempt to stamp out the Australian forces in the pacific, however superior artillery defenses, jungle troops and prepared supply lines saw the invasion of New Guinea halted.
Over all, the crippling factor of this war would be that Australia would lose a fair amount of its Navy and Air Force to the Chinese, and the Americans would probably ignore New Guinea and secure the Philippines easily now that the Australians had destroyed the shore batteries defending it.
It would be up to the Australians to ultimately defeat any Chinese attackers at New Guinea, and if history plays out the way it should, the Chinese would retreat to attack the Americans and stop them from push all the way through to China.
This entire war effort would start a proper trade agreement with the US and Australia allowing trade of Raw Materials to effectively reach the US.
With the US Navy in full swing around the Pacific, the severely damaged ships that could be salvaged were used to repair the rest of the fleet.
By this time, there was some apprehension throughout the different Intelligence organizations in the world, talk of Nuclear war was pvssyring throughout the military airwaves, some Chinese speaking of paranoia that the US was about to nuke them, and in turn British and American intelligence operatives claiming that they had word that the Chinese were receiving 'fire orders' from their government.
All of this suspicion forced the Prime Minister to act, he ordered that the 'chosen people' be contacted and moved to the vault city immediately preparing for the worst. His fears were confirmed when America breached the Chinese borders, reports of desperation dictated Chinese suicide raids on the heavily armored US infantry and the Australian Regular Army who weren't so lucky to receive power armour still managed to fight off these suicide runs.
Most of the Large Vaults in the city had been occupied for some time, left open for the people who had bought their way in. Paranoid of the war waging in the pacific, they had taken up residency in the vaults for the duration and were perhaps more prepared than most of the nuclear war, when the sirens went off, all that was needed to do was seal the vault.
The Australians had been lucky when it came to their vault city, through use of their robots the construction had been successfully completed only six months early and the process of loading up the Vault's supplies was nearly complete as the people arrived via VTOL Aircraft, they were told to wait inside the vault until further notice, sadly some of the requested families and military personnel were too far to make it in time when the sirens went off, only one VTOL arrived in 'the nick of time' to unload their civilian package and head for the vault.