I personally get very agitated in heated duels/firefights only to see the kill cams shows the guy was aiming 2 inches from my head an shot me down. That is not fun for pc gamers, if the crosshair is not on the target for the kill shot, then it is a cheat, or bad programming.
Fix the pad not the game. You have not right to assert that hitting me without aiming at me is somehow fair to the experience I am promised as a PC gamer.
You have an option to use another platform, we however do not. Why should I have to pixel hunt to get kills and you just wave you gun around firing indiscriminately and kill what ever moves.
What you want is like COD LOL snipes: "quick turn, fire, headshot, repeat". That is not gaming, or sport, it's retarded. Either hunt pixels and like it, or maybe they can let you auto aim on non-ranked servers only.
Thank you, it's late.