You know... your are right. There should be dedicated aim-assist servers, that allow aim-assist for both M&K and PAD. That would be fair!
Plus all the aimbot, speedhack, recoil hackers can go play on those servers and leave the rest of us to game without these exploits.
I can see how some people find it fun to not have to squint to kill at 300 feet, and I for one would feel better knowing the aim assisters are not on my server.
Let them have unlocked servers, let the cheaters go there too, lol.
If they want to pay to host a server, they should be allowed to play the way they want.
Yep and if the cheater hackers come into our servers. we can kick them out just he same.....
Besides the sarcasm in your post I hope you realize that is would be a good compromise. I really hope crytek will consider something like this and then we call all enjoy the game the way we want to play it.