No auto Aim ? Why ?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:50 pm

We dont want no **** auto aim you garbage!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:12 pm

You know... your are right. There should be dedicated aim-assist servers, that allow aim-assist for both M&K and PAD. That would be fair!

Plus all the aimbot, speedhack, recoil hackers can go play on those servers and leave the rest of us to game without these exploits.

I can see how some people find it fun to not have to squint to kill at 300 feet, and I for one would feel better knowing the aim assisters are not on my server.

Let them have unlocked servers, let the cheaters go there too, lol.

If they want to pay to host a server, they should be allowed to play the way they want.

Yep and if the cheater hackers come into our servers. we can kick them out just he same.....

Besides the sarcasm in your post I hope you realize that is would be a good compromise. I really hope crytek will consider something like this and then we call all enjoy the game the way we want to play it.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:26 pm

mouse and keyboard is a lame control system

it's even lamer that they would take aim-assist out for the gamepad users who don't want to use an ancient UI system

Ancient UI system? You have to be kidding me right? My gaming mouse was half the price of a ps3, it has its own memory cache. But I am sure you don't even know what cache is, I suppose cache to you is an ancient system for storing information too.

I am going to be honest here you sir are the reason PC Gamers can't stand console gamers. What you are asking for is an AIMBOT and nothing less. In the real gaming community this is considered cheating! I am sorry but consoles and auto aim are for little kiddies. Get over yourself you lame no aiming hack squash. If you don't like the keyboard and mouse then stick to games like DC universe. PC gamers will not play with aimbotters. As a matter of fact anyone using it ends up with a perm ban from servers instantly!

Call it what you will but aim-assist is actually AIM-BOT it's cheating it's lame and its a childish way to play a game. The fact that you even ask for it shows everyone in here that you are a no skill, can't shoot straight cry baby. They won't ever put AIM-BOT into a real pc game because pc gamers won't play it guaranteed!
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:22 pm

kingcobra04 who "we" ??? there is only you and couple of more crying here...

you have all the chosises.. choose and adapt.

its like nvidia slogan "the way its meant to be played"

now stop complaining
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:29 am

seriously, My brain cannot out compute a computer in a heated CQB fight.

Also -> if you can't see me, you should not get a little red crosshair glow and the ability to kill me.

AGAIN, If you cant land the crosshairs on me, you should not have the right to kill me. What gives you the right to have auto-aim, when a new K&M player gets raqed by his peers and does not ask for auto-aim?

My first 4 hours of Crysis 2 I was getting killed 20 times a map. I did not ask for auto-aim, instead I learned and adapted. I'm not an awesome player, but I can hold my own.

MP is bad enough with the recail/aimbot hackers, we don't need legit players doing the same, simply because they want to sit 5 feet away from their screen and play in a low 1080p resolution. PC was never designed for couch play. and if you can't land your crosshair on someone because you sit to far away, thats not our fault.

Also this whole add an aim-assist is about as funny as why foilage is not an adjustible option in games anymore due to sniper cheats.

One last point: I am appalled that I saw a post that said they used sniper rifles and wanted aim-assist<<<<<<
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Heather Dawson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:15 pm

mouse and keyboard is a lame control system

it's even lamer that they would take aim-assist out for the gamepad users who don't want to use an ancient UI system

Ancient UI system? You have to be kidding me right? My gaming mouse was half the price of a ps3, it has its own memory cache. But I am sure you don't even know what cache is, I suppose cache to you is an ancient system for storing information too.

I am going to be honest here you sir are the reason PC Gamers can't stand console gamers. What you are asking for is an AIMBOT and nothing less. In the real gaming community this is considered cheating! I am sorry but consoles and auto aim are for little kiddies. Get over yourself you lame no aiming hack squash. If you don't like the keyboard and mouse then stick to games like DC universe. PC gamers will not play with aimbotters. As a matter of fact anyone using it ends up with a perm ban from servers instantly!

Call it what you will but aim-assist is actually AIM-BOT it's cheating it's lame and its a childish way to play a game. The fact that you even ask for it shows everyone in here that you are a no skill, can't shoot straight cry baby. They won't ever put AIM-BOT into a real pc game because pc gamers won't play it guaranteed!

Yet another mature PC game poster.... LOL

Aim assist is not aimbot and no one is demanding they put it back in like the demo had. We just want an alternative. Call us what you want unskilled players or whatever but the way the reason that they even have aim assist is because the average controller players need it to be competitive. The solution I proposed would split the 2 sides up so we are both happy. Why do you insist on posting like a prepubascent teen? when all we are trying to do is get some sort of solution that will not effect you in ANY way?
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:29 pm

Anyone who plays on a server with aim-assist is a CHEATER. Get some skill, kid.

And welcome to the PC world. Dump your console at the door.

Even if I was going up against someone who had aim assist and a gamepad and I was using my mouse, I still know that the mouse is faster and more precise, and I have no doubt that I would win the confrontation. Anyone who thinks that aim assist gamepad is > that a mouse hasn't had enough experience with console FPS.

There really should be an option for servers to enable aim assist. It would make the game more accessible to a wider range of people. And who knows, maybe one day those guys will be won over by k+m and the PC gaming community will grow, and then maybe PC gamers won't get "console ports". You guys do realize that console games are getting better treatment than PC games because the console community grows while the PC community shrinks, right? Wouldn't the logical thing be to try and win some of the console guys over so we could grow and have a more important position in the gaming market?
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:20 am

kingcobra04 who "we" ??? there is only you and couple of more crying here...

you have all the chosises.. choose and adapt.

its like nvidia slogan "the way its meant to be played"

now stop complaining

We as in the other controller players that I talked into buying this game now after putting them onto the demo and making them buy PC over Lagbox. Plus all the other guys that are probably to scared to say anything in fear they would get ripped apart by the 16 year olds in this thread calling them noobs/ kiddy console players. Just because I am one of the few voicing my option doesn't mean there aren't guys out there that feel the same way. There is only a handful of you KB+M guys that are responding and are doing so with mainly insults. I thought the PC community was mature. You cried just as much to take it out now it's our turn. Maybe we as controller players don't out mass you guys but I still think there should be balance for us too. Hell even if they made the server gamepads only wit out aim assist that would be better. Then the playing field would be even.

I have nothing against KB+M players and maybe you are superior gamers. But this game was not made for the UBER hardcoe PC gamer elite that most of you consider yourselves. This game is made for everyone and weather you like it or not the controller was offered in this game and should be a viable option in MP.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:37 pm

I'm saddened that all the blow hards, steal the thunder from genuine issues as to why assisted pad users and MKs are not yet ready to play together.

Ask microsoft why GFW Live failed. Ask them why no games share servers between PC and 360. Trust me Microsoft have researched this to great extent. The bulk of the PC market does not fit the "Casual Gamer" moniker. There are many CGs that use PCs, but not the bulk.

The two systems(control schemes)(mentalities) are not yet capable of synergy. I think we won't see integration untill a new controller scheme is invented. Gamepads just don't have the resillience to operate fully without driver/software assistance.

I like the nunchuck idea some-one postulated. A one handed controller with buttons and a bluetooth mouse with maybe 7 buttons. I would use that for sure.

{edited for iphone auto-correct errors}

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Lily Something
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:47 pm

Crytek made this game to support BOTH KB+M and Controller. After playing for a few hours tonight the game is very unbalanced for controller players now. Good luck trying to hit a moving target at any sort of distance. it is near impossible to do without the opponent seeing you shoot and putting you down with ease. I find it funny all the keyboard guys that post you could "destroy" controller players yet you are the first guys to run in here and start crying. If it is easy then why do you care? You can still kill people just fine with it on but for us it is really a struggle to get ANY fair battles.

This isn't a issue of what you prefer, this is a issue of BALANCE the game is now imbalanced in the keyboard and mouse's favor. The developer supports both so they should make it even to play with both. Not everyone wants to use the keyboard because it is not that comfortable to play with. They have to do something to help out controller players because if you keyboard guys like it or not. We also bought the game and prefer to have the benefits the PC version brings to this game and the ease to use the controller. XBOX is NOT an option for some of use because the game is inferior on that system. So quit using that as an excuse. Crytek better do something to even the playing field or they will have even more unhappy customers than they already have.

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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:21 am

Ofc it is imbalanced towards the KB+M players. This is the PC version! If you want to use a controller then why the hell did you buy the PC version?!

Ok, you like graphics, fair enough. But if they implemented aim assist they would have to allow server hosts to turn it off. I wouldnt mind if it was in the game aslong as I could play on a server where its not allowed. Nothing pisses me more off then some random dude shooting my feet and getting a headshot, thats not skill and they dont deserve the kill!
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:47 am

HAHAHA I WOULDNT CARE IF AUTOAIM IS INCORPORATED because my aiming is so good i would still beastify your donkey ass.

I have fragnstein for the PS3 which is a mouse and nunchuck to play with and have 3.5 k.d on Black ops its that easy to beastify with mouse these fanboys. But the real problem is people with my mouse glitching the controler functionaly auto aim and having auto aim on their mouse.

That could be way OP IMO. Which is why i dont support it but if i had scorch 360 nunchuck and mouse on 360 i would beastify you as well
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:13 am

OP, you just need time to get accustomed to the feel of a mouse and keyboard. Once you do you'll realise that its far more superior to any controller you've ever used. FPS games after all, play best on PC because of the mouse and keyboard combo. PC games never have auto aim assist because there's no need for it, with a mouse you get full control over your aiming speed and direction.

If it helps, try adding +i_mouse_accel=0 and +i_mouse_smooth=0 in your crysis 2's launch properties. This disables mouse smoothening and (especially) acceleration which will affect your aim.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:48 pm

Even if I was going up against someone who had aim assist and a gamepad and I was using my mouse, I still know that the mouse is faster and more precise, and I have no doubt that I would win the confrontation. Anyone who thinks that aim assist gamepad is > that a mouse hasn't had enough experience with console FPS.

There really should be an option for servers to enable aim assist. It would make the game more accessible to a wider range of people. And who knows, maybe one day those guys will be won over by k+m and the PC gaming community will grow, and then maybe PC gamers won't get "console ports". You guys do realize that console games are getting better treatment than PC games because the console community grows while the PC community shrinks, right? Wouldn't the logical thing be to try and win some of the console guys over so we could grow and have a more important position in the gaming market?

Let me make this extremely clear to you, kid. We PC players DON'T GIVE A **** about you console players. Your in our world now. Either adapt and learn our ways, or GET THE **** OUT.

Did I say that I'm a console player? No. Have I said multiple times that I prefer playing PC to playing consoles? Yes. You really need to learn how to read, and you need to fix your attitude as well. If you really can't understand the simple fact that the PC gaming community is getting smaller and smaller, and game producers will care less and less about PC gaming because there isn't as much money there, then you are very foolish. Heck, I'm a fool for even thinking that you were capable of having an intellectual exchange, since you have proven time and time that you incapable of doing so.

Making PC gaming more attractive to console gamers would help out PC gaming, and that is a fact. More consumers in the PC gaming market means that game producers wouldn't be wasting their money to please them, which would mean that they would do more to please us.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:42 pm

Hi there,

Due to an overwhelming response regarding auto-aim from the PC demo, the decision was made to remove support for auto-aim (not gamepads completely) because of the unfair advantage it may give players and the chances of it being exploited. This change was part of our day 1 patch as listed here:


This still doesn't explain why.

Look, I could care less about MP.
If everyone feels it gives an unfair advantage in MP to have auto aim, by all means, don't allow it.
Or have games that allow it or leave it up to the host.

But why take it away completely? Doesn't make any sense.

It should be an option for at least SP.
Whether I get flamed as a console player or not, I should be able to play the single player campaign how I want.

It doesn't make any sense to me.

If people think 16x9 resolution isn't PC enough, will you just remove that option entirely???
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:42 am

Oh yeah, what is most out dated 5000 dpi infrared 3g sensor or a damn anolOG joystick.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:58 am

And I'll repeat again. WE DON'T GIVE A **** ABOUT YOU CONSOLE PLAYERS. If you come into our world, you play by our established rules. If you can't do that, then we don't want you here. Get some skills and dump the cheats, or GET THE **** OUT.

Like dam Mexicans coming to America, and thinking everyone should learn their language. No, you learn English, OR YOU GET THE **** OUT!

This PC community is made up of both KB+M players and controller players it is only fair to balance this game for both. We paid are money just the same. This isn't your world this is our world and we need a solution to cater to both users. Weather it be aim assist option for servers or some other solution. For the 100th time the way the MP plays on controller as of right now is IMBALANCED. so they fix it or they will be turning their back on their new customers that want to use the gamepad which worked perfectly fine in the demo. plain and simple.

No matter how many times you say go play xbox or GTFO. It will not fix the imbalance and when games are imbalanced they lose existing and future customers. Balanced is what sets good and bad games apart. Right now only 1/2 of the supported control setups will give you an even fight. Why should I have to relearn a game on keyboard because the game devs don't know how to balance the control devices. I bought a controller just to play this game. So why should I have to waste my money and let this controller collect dust just because some keyboard guys will not be open to the possibility of a fair solution for both? Grow up.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:18 pm

More Multi-Player straw man arguments.

Again, I could care less about multiplayer.

And trust me, if someone is going to hack auto aim into your precious multiplayer world, he doesn't need Crytek to enable it in SP to do it.
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:31 am

Then you will just never understand. No PC server is EVER going to let you on with this. You would be perma-banned for CHEATING. We call it an AIMBOT. Its a MAJOR CHEAT.

CryAdam said it all -

"because of the unfair advantage it may give players and the chances of it being exploited." Boom.

And if we let if stand for SP, someone will hack it, and sneak it onto MP. Gamepads were never meant to be on PC.

Well now its an UNFAIR advantage to use a keyboard and mouse against a controller player. So there has to be a happy medium and taking aim assist out of the game completely is not that solution.

PC server owners can do whatever they want. if there is only 1/5 of the servers that support aim assist then so be it. I will play on those, then you godly elitist's have 4/5th more server selection than us and you know you are more than likely playing against pure KB+M players. I will be personally buying a server if they do decide to do something to help controller players and you can have your fun joining no aim assisted servers and I will enjoy mine.

Aim assist is not cheating. You guys are over exaggerating the mechanics of it. but that is to be expected from teenagers that can't see the other side of the argument or have never tried to play the game with one at it's current state. Aim assist helps controllers stay on target due to inferior precision compare to a mouse. it in no way locks on the heads or anything of the sort. Also if you argument is that it was to apparent in the demo what is stopping them from tweaking it and making it balanced? I personally am open to any solution that will make the controller more enjoyable to play on.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:26 pm

Yeah, but were not going to let you **** console kiddies bring it in either.

You sir are acting like more of a kid than any guy in here with genuine concerns about how the controller plays currently.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:52 pm

Crytek were just stupid in giving it as a option in the 1st place bad console port
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megan gleeson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:56 am

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

You sound like Barry Bonds.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:29 am

I know. What did they expect us to say? Oh joy, aimbots?

Thinking back about the demo, I can now see how some of those "CHEATERS!" were getting consistent head shots at 200 meters with full auto / no recoil. "Aim assist" FTW. Learn some skill, kiddies.

So what did they expect US to say? Oh joy, I can't hit **** anymore?

You must be "special" or something if you can't differ Aim assist from a aimbot. Get some skill? Mouse players just need to click on someones head to kill them. Shooting someone without aim assist on a controller is WAY harder so how is that balanced? It isn't. It was a quick release fix to make you babies stop whining. I played a few games yesterday with the KB+M I was getting kills just fine considering I have maybe 3 hours of KB+M FPS experience lifetime but it wasn't as enjoyable to play. The gamepads has better ergonomics and fits in my hand. If I wanted to play with a KB+M I would. I have a nice mechanical keyboard and a high DPI mouse. Skill has nothing to do with it, it's about comfort. So kid maybe you are to young to understand but if they support a device they better make the game playable with it or they should have never put it in the game to begin with.
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cosmo valerga
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:19 pm

The game is playable with a gamepad, you don't deserve any special assistance just because you use it though. Welcome to our playground.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:34 pm

The game is playable with a gamepad, you don't deserve any special assistance just because you use it though. Welcome to our playground.

You can use the gamepad but you cannot be competitive in MP. It isn't any special assistance it is mechanic that makes you able to use the gamepad. It doesn't give me an advantage it makes the game EVEN for gamepad players. And like I have said many time in this thread. There has to be a way to make it fair for both. the aim assist option for servers is one of them. Sorry but the minute EA took my 60 bucks and game me gamepad support on this game it became MY playground to, so they have to make the game fair for all supported devices.

It is easy for you guys to say get used to it or switch because you do not use the gamepad and if you did you would pull your hair in frustration when you know an opponent has the CLEAR advantage.
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