So I guess I have these statements then:
1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.
Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.
Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!
No they are far from a MUST. You just think they are a must because you won't take the time to get good with a mouse and keyboard. Tough luck buddy. Mouse and keyboard won't take long to get used to but if you don't want to do it then tough. It has nothing to do with old school vs new school. Keyboard and mouse is the definition of PC gaming, for now and forever.
Not having a new console generation for awhile hasn't got a damn thing to do with PC gaming. The 360 and PS3 still exist right? Developers still release games for it right? Then no controllers aren't a must for PC gaming. If you think otherwise it just goes to show your a fanboy which to that I say HAHAHAHAHAH NO AUTO AIM FOR YOU!!!
ROFLMAO! The dude says he is gonna school us and says we are scared but he's the one begging for an aim assist back into the game because he svcks so bad he has to use it! OMFG that's just hilarious.
@OP Come play with the big boys without your scrub aim assist. I'll teach you a thing or two real quick.