» Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:52 pm
lol can't we all just get along...tired of these kb/m players saying how controller users svck....1v1 me then lol had to teach some of my kb/m how to keep their opinions to theirselves...honestly if some1 chooses a certain way to play there is abosutely no reason to flame them, now as for the people cryin out for aim assist go home it's annoying...and also the kb/m players who think they are god stfu because the only thing i see you using your keyboard for is talking.... what ever happend to letting skill do the typing....it's so comical that probably grown ass men in the gaming community are so ignorant and are acting like children...hey i might not be the most mature gamer but at least i have gained some common sense at the age of seventeen...lol this thread is embarassing to all pc owners/gamers is this really what it comes down to...flinging **** at each other?
Christ you are so ignorant it makes me want to puke. Nobody gives a **** if you dont wanna read the arguments. Your 17 acting all advlt yet you dont realise people want to say their opinion and they have right for it. you saying "stfu" acting like your opinion is only real one just shows what a kid you are thinking someone gives a flying **** if you dont approve
You could also point out the '1vs1 me' line.
@ doom how am i ignorant your rant has nothing to do with my post at all, the vulgarity of your post is almost out of hate, all i am simply saying is pick your poison kb/m or controller, when did i ever say my opinion was the only valid? Maybe you lack the comprehension skills i have read most of the arguements that arent too long to read, and most on this thread are you svck for using controller, or QQ why is there no aim assist maybe you should go back and reread my post...
yes the 1v1 comment goes to any kb/m elitist who claim that all controller players are inadequate to play a PC based game, i guess i should have said that in a better way; not claiming that i will beat everyone and anyone but i will put a pretty damn good match...came off as cocky i see that, wanted it to be more confident