No auto Aim ? Why ?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:49 pm

Why are you playing with a joystick? Use a mouse..

Why am I using a controller? It's simple: it's more comfortable, buttons and actions are easier to execute and I don't get finger cramps from using the keyboard...which as I've said, wasn't designed around gaming. Sure I could buy a different keyboard that would help with that but I've already got a controller here and I might as well use what I can.

Most people in this topic come off as only having used keyboard + mouse on PC games. Try a controller on for size for once. Sure your accuracy won't be as pin-point because of the thumbsticks insensitivity but everything else about it is better
you do know that majority of games have used controllers before i go a xbox and as ps3 and play FPS on it and i'll still say keyboard and mouse is better and you got more precision.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:09 pm

Why auto aim? Please...don't make me laugh.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:14 pm

Easy because M/K peoples cannot face the fact the gamepad is more superior when tune it properly.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:53 pm

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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:36 am

auto aim is for noobs, if u wanna be a noob, go back to consoles and dont game on PC

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David John Hunter
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:30 pm

Easy because M/K peoples cannot face the fact the gamepad is more superior when tune it properly.

hahhahahaha yeah, and because is superior, the gamepad needs autoaim to face the level of K&M players (all pc community).

I've been reading random post in this thread and this is nonsense, you like gamepad?, its ok, play with it, but don't be crying if you cant stand the average on pc.
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Heather Stewart
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:45 am

gamepad don't need auto aim they are just lazy can play with a gamepad fine without auto aim
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:49 pm

Easy because M/K peoples cannot face the fact the gamepad is more superior when tune it properly.

Do you want a slap? :@

M&K is for PC and always has been for "PC".

Pad/Controller is for "Consoles".

M&K is always and always has been far superior than a 360 controller that is made for fat people.

Like people have said you use a Joystick/steeringwheel for racing and flight games NOT FOR FPS.
Not saying you can't use them.

AUTO AIM = AIMBOT in the PC community which = A HACK!.

Theres nothing you can possibly do to get Auto Aim on the PC without hacking fella.

And if you need Auto Aim on a PC then you might aswell go die in a corner or not play atall.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:31 am

There's one really annoying thing about removing auto aim, for me personally. The game looks so much better on PC. And I can get rid of bloom and increase the FOV to something sensible. So 3 things. But I don't see why you M & K players think it's such a cheat. I feel about as accurate with a mouse as I did with a controller before the change. The big diffrence for me is on the kebord side. I know the 360 controller intimately so never hit the wrong buttons and never have to even think about what my hands are doing. If I could only change the button layout on the gamepad, so i could use it in my left hand and the mouse in my right, I'd be happy. Or maybe I wouldn't have enough buttons?...
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jennie xhx
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:20 pm

The point is that:

Keyboard & mouse:
+Better aiming when mastered
+Traditional control system since counter strike=used by most people
+Comes with the computer
+More key bindings
+Average performance overall

-More complex
-Too many keys sometimes
-Movement+jump keys use the full hand
-Most keys require you to move your hand to be pressed
-Mouse need space to move smoothly

+Easier to use
+Keys are compressed to be able to be used without repositioning hands
+Movement+jump or crouch requires just the thumb
+Aiming precision is exponentially greater when moving short distances
+Sensitivity with sticks allows for better aiming
+360o move with sticks

-Few keys
-No chat capability
-Harder to aim on a moving target
-Must use movement to help aim in greater distances
-Limited speed arc when turning
-Precision at moving sticks is worse than with mouse
-No (mouse) wheel
-Needs combinations of keys (such as R1+O) to be able to use most key mappings a keyboard can
-Harder to master
-Harder to get used to


Appart from that i add that i played with both a keyboard/mouse and gamepad and the gamepad was epically annoying, im not new at it, because i play cod:mw2 in the console, and keyboard mouse wins for me for this things:

-Better reaction to enemy sight, ambush, etc
-Ability to move the sight on the target faster and keep it on them while shooting
-better for headshoting
-Huge-normously faster turning

anyway i must say that the gamepad allowed me to shower better, i got a lot of fake kills by throwing bullets randomly and just scrolling horizontally and when sniping it was like having aimbot anyway, i recommend you using keyboard/mouse, and if you die a lot, then try gamepad
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:25 am

This may sound strange to console gamers, but on the PC, anything that influences your input commands via software is a hack. On PC you get only the most basic of commands, which you must learn to use properly and effectively. There is no "slowly" move left like on an anolog stick. You either move left or you dont. Its a button. Your mouse is probably set to 1:1 movement meaning that there's no "slowly" turn left. You move the mouse slow, you turn slow. You move it fast, you turn fast.

ANY software that changes this is considered a hack. We don't care if its part of the game, or if the devs put it in. If your input, ESPECIALLY with aiming, is changed in ANY WAY, from your manual input, it is a hack. Auto-aim causes changes in your input to help aiming. This is an input change, and as such, is a hack.

This is how PC gaming works. Dont bother arguing it, you cant change the opinions of a group larger than all consoles gamers combined.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:54 am

This topic should just be locked/Deleted haha.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:36 pm

Damn, how can you people discuss such a stupid question for 35 pages?
I agree with Wally101 btw.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:39 pm

First off all the majority of the M&K community act single minded a-holes, like serious calm down guys its not like we trying to steal your retirement fund. That being said I understand that what you are saying about auto-aim and to a degree i agree. it seems to me that this is counter productive thought though. we want great games which takes money the more money the more likely the game quality will go up. To get more money convert "noobs" (console gamers) to PC gaming. The best way is to controller enable games. Now three things could happen, #1 they like playing on PC and "upgrade" to M&K or #2 they stick to controller. #3 they hate it they keep losing cause supposedly M&K people keep killing them. And hey wouldn't be great that #1 always happens but unfortunately for you M&K people everybody is different. Ok so when #2 happens then there is an issue with this mechanism called auto-aim/aim assist. I am not going to sit here tell you that it is not some form of hacking or augmenting the players ability, its true i know it and everyone else does so you don't have to say it every single time auto aim/aim assist comes up. What I find funny is that it almost seems that you are scared of the challenge to take on man+machine because they are better than you, and to take it a step further you want these people to be not enabled to not give you a challenge at all. Does anyone else smell fish sticks?
That being said I do play with a controller and without auto aim/aim assist enabled on both SP & MP modes, why? you may ask because I have balls with testosterone levels greater than the combination of 3 generations of your family. Sorry for getting carried away I hate that smell. Now notice I did not say that i will kick all you M&K a's I am realistic but i can say i have some of the most intense battles ever and I fair pretty well against you guys! but where i am getting with this is that i probably never would have started playing FPS on computers because of the HUGE disadvantage that we have with controllers without auto/aim assist enabled. So an auto aim/aim assist maybe should be set up so there is different levels to ease the gap (if that possible) to keep PC GAMERS that like controllers around.
Another thought is leave auto aim abilities up to the who sets up the server. And what happened to game-pad only servers?
Plus the auto aim in Crysis 2 was actually a very good version almost not existent, almost though. C2 is not anywhere near where Borderlands is with auto aim/ aim assist. That game you could actually see the cursor snap to the characters, horrible! In C2 it would just contain some of the over compensation input on the joystick.

Anyways happy gaming y-all!!
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:14 pm

Auto aim is almost like Steriods in baseball. Some people need it to help them be at the level that most players already are. (Console players arny used to using K/B so they use controller and need aim assist to compete against the PCs.) However, this is using something outside your normal means to win, and as an above poster said very clearly, if its an imput other then what YOU TELL IT TO DO then its basicly a hack.

Were honestly not scared of it, its just that we have games that are obviously catered to consoles, so we feel very neglected, and the one thing we can really hold onto is our ideals and principles, and having auto aim would destroy that...
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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:47 am

Question: Is the "auto-aim" thats being discussed, the thing when you are aiming and you hold shift for strength at the same time? I hope not, because i liked that , not because of some lame console auto aiming desire, but because it made sense. He was using his suits strength to hold the weapon better so there is minimal kick therefore you aim was more precise.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:09 am

kb and mouse lame?

so i guest 86% of games are lames....
Playing with a controller on a pc..THATS IS LAME!
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:27 pm

how does this thread keep getting bumped and ****, what the **** are yall smoking? The first couple times I saw it, I thought it was a joke... now it's making me puke. I didn't even know **** like that still existed... auto aim? uh, i stopped using bumper lanes in bowling when I was in kindergarden. you should too.
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luke trodden
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:51 pm

Question: Is the "auto-aim" thats being discussed, the thing when you are aiming and you hold shift for strength at the same time? I hope not, because i liked that , not because of some lame console auto aiming desire, but because it made sense. He was using his suits strength to hold the weapon better so there is minimal kick therefore you aim was more precise.

Auto aim.
As if when you move your weapons sights CLOSE to someone, they suddenly lock onto that person and follow them without you having to do anything....

That is auto aim...

What your descibing is nothing near auto aim its akin to holding your breath, and im amazed you got it confused with auto aiming...
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:09 pm

i agree with many people behind, another fact is that if you got the game for pc you must have a keyboard and mouse, not a gamepad, if you need advantages to play at the same level as the rest just change method or uninstall the game. if you can have aimbot i want invulnerability when playing with keyboard

and whats the point of playing a game where the computer does all the hard work, and you only have to run and shot randomly btw?
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:11 pm

If they can sort it so people can't get it to work for mice, then put it back in :)

The aim assist on console seems to cut out after 20-30m or so anyway, so it's hardly going to lead to ridiculous advantages. Also, to anyone claiming that auto aim will make it unfair for mouse users i just say: 'waaaaa??', have you guys ever used a controller? I have been using anologue sticks since they came out and i can tell you for a fact that no amount of auto aim bar full aimbot mode will help even the field, so at least make controller players able to fight competetively at close ranges.
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City Swagga
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:44 pm

If auto-aim is so useless or subtle(in your opinion)why the fuss do you want it back ?

this is getting ridiculous
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:17 am


If they lock the thread, we'll only get 900 more threads of people complaining about censorship and Crytek refusing to listen to customers.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:00 pm

Question: Is the "auto-aim" thats being discussed, the thing when you are aiming and you hold shift for strength at the same time? I hope not, because i liked that , not because of some lame console auto aiming desire, but because it made sense. He was using his suits strength to hold the weapon better so there is minimal kick therefore you aim was more precise.

Auto aim.
As if when you move your weapons sights CLOSE to someone, they suddenly lock onto that person and follow them without you having to do anything....

That is auto aim...

What your descibing is nothing near auto aim its akin to holding your breath, and im amazed you got it confused with auto aiming...

Lose the attitude it was just a question. I only have experience with the demo when it comes to multi cause i couldnt get on a server in the real game. And when playing SP and the demo i hadnt noticed any auto aim, the only thing i ever noticed when aiming was you could hold shift and he would use armor to steady his aim.

As for others saying gamepads on PC is retarded, id have to disagree. 90% of games on PC are definitely best with KB/M, however there are a small few that i want to own on PC for the graphic/frame rate quality (compared to consoles) , however the game was designed more so for a gamepad, or i just find the game to be more fun playing with a gamepad. Like i said though, so far thats only like 2-3 games iv ever played.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:01 pm

thats what i was gunna who the **** plays a pc game with a game pad...nothing beats the precsion of a mouse an keyboard. Im also a console convert. guess what? youll get used to it. i did an im better than i ever was was a dinky controller. IF YOUR GUNNA PLAY A REAL PC GAME PLAY IT LIKE A REAL PC GAME...controller...noob
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