No auto Aim ? Why ?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:29 pm

anyone on here who is whining about their controller wow....ITS AN FPS GAME! AND A PC GAME! USE A KEYBOARD AND MOUSE AN NOT A CHILDS TOY CONTROLLER. GET SOME SKILL. PC GAMES ARENT GUNNA SUFFER AUTO AIM pvssyS BECAUSE KIDS WITH CONTROLLERS WHO ARENT SKILLED ENOUGH FOR A KEYBOARD/MOUSE. get off the fourms console junkies go get some skill come back. if you wanna play with a controller play a console game.
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:52 pm



I'd like to say to all the cosole fanatics:

@Targeting without cheats is toooo difficult for you? Then PLAY TETRIS! @
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:00 am

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

By saying you'll use auto aim to "Show us how to shoot" is hilarious. Autoaim can be exploited with a mouse to get the same effect with an already superior control system (even if Crytek figured out a mechanic to not let mouse users use autoaim, there would be a hacker who figured out a work around) to create an imbalance. Stop being lazy and just practise using the mouse and keyboard and you'll eventually come to love it. Controllers for precision based games, with the exception of fighters, are useless.

tl;dr Seems you have a case of being a whiny child. I'm prescribing you a heavy dose of manthehellupitol.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:41 am

Start adapting.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:43 pm

a great clan name M&K
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:16 am

This is stupid. Why offer controller support online when you can't compete. I thought...ok....I will try to play this without the aim assist. The way you can turn with a mouse is not natural at all. You whip around to shoot at incredible speeds. It is not even close to realistic or possible and you bich that we want a little assist for using a controller. You bich about how aim assist is too easy but you can point and click at incredible speeds. At the end of the day I can see why PC gamers will never be able to coinside with console gamers. You guys are too full of yourselves. It is really a shame no company has the balls to make it work. You guys are about as mature as a the kids on Xbox Live

Cry-tek you really let me and my friends down


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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:48 pm

Start adapting.


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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:29 pm

This is stupid. Why offer controller support online when you can't compete. I thought...ok....I will try to play this without the aim assist. The way you can turn with a mouse is not natural at all. You whip around to shoot at incredible speeds. It is not even close to realistic or possible and you bich that we want a little assist for using a controller. You bich about how aim assist is too easy but you can point and click at incredible speeds. At the end of the day I can see why PC gamers will never be able to coinside with console gamers. You guys are too full of yourselves. It is really a shame no company has the balls to make it work. You guys are about as mature as a the kids on Xbox Live

Cry-tek you really let me and my friends down



The pin-point nature of the mouse-and-keyboard still requires the operator to make the movements. An auto-aim or aim-assist does that FOR the player instead.

Part of the problem between speed and aiming is the fact that the two actions aren't separated. You can look around pretty quickly, moving a weapon however is something that can take time. That said, developers don't provide for two methods to control look and aiming, as a result you end up with the weapon locked to where you happen to be looking. Weapon bloom is traditionally used to try and offset that behavior to try and make it less accurate to move as quickly, but in most games it recovers quickly.
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Craig Martin
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:26 pm

@ Everyone whining about no auto-aim.

Are you guys really so **** bad at your chosen hobby that you're no longer interested in actually learning to play and improving your skills? If I play a console game, then I use a gamepad and adapt. Welcome to PC Gaming. Either learn the M&K or get the hell out.

Related note: In order to get better with a gamepad I play Quake 3 using Joy2Key. You can, in fact, do just fine without auto aim. You won't be great, but you can get by. So less QQ more pew pew.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 pm

Dear CryTek, why your designers became recently so stupid so they cant come to simple sollution?

Input signals should be separated as mouse and gamepad classes, and auto-aim should only work when input signal cames from gamepad.

Now everyone who plays with with mouse have very unfair advantage over people who plays with gamepad.

Do you know how many disabled people plays with gamepads on pc? Also dont forget that your auto-aim was not very helpful, it was pretty minor to say it gives advantage, even with it every gamepader was pwnd hard by mousers, now all gamepaders totaly pwnd in MP((
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:06 pm

If you wanted a Console game, get Crysis 2 on console or GTFO!

I hate that all new games now have autoaim where you can spin around like a ............ insert something there. Its dumb and should have never been added to console games. Look at Halo 1, It was fun and challenging without autoaim. Autoaim is a crutch and should not be used ever.

Halo 1 had auto aim, and it was praised for being so subtle that most people didn't even notice it. Basically they did it right, and most games since have built on that. Though the 'snap to enemy's head' aim i've seen in cod is probably going overboard.

I hooked my pc up to my 52" screen to enjoy this at max settings, and that other guy is totally right that the only way to play is sitting back with a controller. I didn't get as many kills as with a M&K, but who cares? It's a relaxing way to play, and I'll bet that are people who are actually better with the controller than a lot of people on M&K.

I'm not saying put auto aim back. People who practise can get good without it, on any control method.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:06 am

it must be my sadistic side....but what the heck :D I am bumping this thread for my entertainment :D

my two cents...There is no auto with it.....want to use a controller deal with it....why because its your will be a deal with it :D

By the way, if your gonna quote and curse the heck out of me...i won't get angry...i'll just laugh...why because i find it hilarious and its my choice :D
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:17 am

Here's an interesting article I've had bookmarked for quite some time now
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:10 am

auto aim? you bloody kidding me? HELL NO!
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:32 am

Why anyone would play a PC FPS with a joystick/pad is beyond me.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:51 pm

This is stupid. Why offer controller support online when you can't compete. I thought...ok....I will try to play this without the aim assist. The way you can turn with a mouse is not natural at all. You whip around to shoot at incredible speeds. It is not even close to realistic or possible and you bich that we want a little assist for using a controller. You bich about how aim assist is too easy but you can point and click at incredible speeds. At the end of the day I can see why PC gamers will never be able to coinside with console gamers. You guys are too full of yourselves. It is really a shame no company has the balls to make it work. You guys are about as mature as a the kids on Xbox Live

Cry-tek you really let me and my friends down



Plz take away the ever so old realistic argument T_T
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:58 am

I'm willing to bet that even with auto aim, mouse users would still have the edge, but thats not the point. Majority of PC gamers are on this platform for the purity of play. Not only that, but claims that the game isnt fair for control users is false. Users of the mouse dont have an auto aim then neither should comtrol users, if it is implemented, then it should be an option for the mouse too.

If you then argue that auto aim should be for controller only, then you are admiting the controller is inferior in FPS, a fact we all know well and is well documented. Consider you work for a moving company, everyone has vans, you turn up with a small hatchback and claim someone has to move the clients things for you because you have an inferior tool. Just doesnt make sense.....Unless of course, everyone has small hatchbacks and you share the burden equally.

In online console play sure, in PC play NO. You dont go onto PS3 forums claiming you should be able to use the 360 controller, and yes the point of PC is that its versitile, but M&K will always be the primary input for the format.
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Toby Green
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:40 pm

You turned C2 into a console port
You stole our potential graphics
You stole our potential advanced controls and immersive game interaction
You stole our potential optimized engine
You stole our potential unprecedented physics capabilities
You stole our potential awesome game because you forced crytek to waste its time on all your shenanigans.

You took everything from us. and yet you want more.

You want us destroyed. why? what have we done to you? what is your bloody problem?

And then you wonder why we hate you.

we hate you.

we do.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:46 pm

What's wrong with auto aim for controllers? Are you afraid that suddenly "console kiddies" will be competitive with KB+M players? If you don't use a controller you could care less, couldn't you?
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Allison Sizemore
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:26 am

I'm not afraid of that. I'm afraid of the pc users that will get ticked the hell out about it and decide to emulate a gamepad so they can use their mouse with the aim assist. That kind of stuff already happened in other games.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:07 am

There's an easy compromise. Make auto-aim an option that can be turned on and off by the server hosts and add it to the server browser filters. This way those of us who prefer to play with a controller can do so without affecting your purist anti-controller gameplay.

Slightly off topic: a lot of PC users need to stop employing the No True Scotsman Fallacy. Someone who chooses to play a PC game with a controller is still a PC gamer, they just prefer a different experience than you do. There may be a hard core group of gaming purists, the old guard if you will, who demands KB + Mouse only, but those people aren't any more or less important than anyone else in the grand scheme of things.

Companies exist to make money; their goal is to cater to the audience they choose to produce content for. If Crytek wants to broaden its horizons and make games that are more accessible to a wider audience that's their choice, their right, and their prerogative. Some people will not be happy with this, others will be thrilled, but no perspective is right or wrong, all are valid takes based on our individual objectives and desires.

This is entertainment, an ideal product is one that is able to give us all what we're looking for without compromising anyone's experience. Unfortunately that isn't always possible, in which case it's up to Crytek to decide on who to favor. I'll be disappointed if they don't re-enable auto-aim for gamepad use, but that's their prerogative.

The old guard needs to learn to chill out and stop attacking people with different tastes from their own constantly. Just because I'm not doing it like you are doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:59 am

Hey everyone,

I'm playing the Crysis-Multiplayer with an X-Box 360 Controller on my PC- even though I know some of you guys are gettin' mad about this ;) But I guess it's a matter of personal preference, it's up to oneself to make this decision. But concerning using an auto-aim in the MP, I do not think it's a fair thing. I remember I, firstly, always became the last one on the scoreboard, but that was ok, because my skills svcked. So I used to change a few of my controller-options, played a couple of hours and - tadaaaa - it worked. What I wanna say is; why should we Controller-Gamers get an advantage over the normal Keyboard/Mouse-Gamers ? For me, it's a question of fairness and, moreover, fun. That's why removing auto-aim in Crysis MP was a totally right move - same terms for everyone!


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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:10 am

Auto aim in a PC FPS game? GTFO!! Play the game as it is meant to be played which is with a mouse and keyboard. Otherwise buy a console.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:09 pm

This has nothing to do with auto aim, you are all blaming and getting upset with the wrong people. Stop telling gamers to go buy a console. I have no problem with Crytek removing auto aim but they are the ones to to blame here. When a business decides to develop there game so that every gamer can use any hardware they want whether thats KB+M or controller, PS3,360, whatever then that's fine. You have advertised what this game is about and gamers purchase the game because Crytek was clear on there intentions. Then two days before the release you remove a function that im sure some gamers thought was going to still be there and they purchased the game with those original intentions. This is horrible business. Crysis 1 released a beta 2 MONTHS!! before the game was released which gave gamers plenty of time to give there critique and gave Crytek time to make those changes and notify the community of those changes. There is nothing wrong with deciding to remove auto aim but Crytek removed the demo 7 days before release and the DEMO not BETA had auto aim meaning that it was a finished product. This game was designed for the 360 we all know this and that's fine.
But no one can tell me that this was a horrible business plan for the PC community on how they are handling Crysis2 for PC. Stop telling gamers what hardware to use you should be upset at Crytek for having auto aim to begin with. Because they thought it should have been in the first place otherwise you would not be having this augument.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:45 pm

Auto aim? Fast and precise aim make the real difference in a FPS, and you want it auto? The only thing that requires some skill in a FPS is aiming and you want someone else to aim for you? Are you ok?
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