» Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:38 am
So anyone with an high DPI mouse get's high scores???? I don't think so.
No. It’s not the same thing as saying that anyone with a high DPI mouse gets high scores.
The point is that IF someone has a new mouse and then finds that their scores are now much higher than before, they may then brag and boast to the controller users about how good they are when it is clearly not their skill but the mouse that is quicker than the controller at aiming. The point is that the mouse does not automatically prove you have more raw skill than a gamepad controller user.
And what about DX11 Support , Mod support , Map Editor , those are all features we where promised but , didn't get it either. For the pc Version of Crysis II which would have the most negative impact do you think?
1-Pc gamers can't use auto-aim feature in an fps shooter.
2-Some of the features and exclusive benefits an pc version of a game can have are missing?(not to forget ,previous games had those.)
First, I am not the OP. I don’t care much for Auto Aim. I was sticking up for those who were being abused by hundreds of angry keyboard and mouse elitists.
Second, I also want DX11 and some other features that should have been in the game. Auto Aim does not cancel out the need for DX11.
Third, you are missing the point of the thread: the OP is arguing from the fact that an important feature to HIM was originally in the demo and now it is gone. So, some people can argue that they were misled into buying the game, and an important feature, for them, was taken out of the game. He probably played the demo thinking “Yes, this game feels just perfect for me with the Auto Aim on my controller, so I’ll buy the full game”. Then, he installs the full game and the important feature, for him, was removed..
So, the issue is not about which gaming input peripheral is the best at getting the most kills.
The issue is that the game was “mis sold” to the OP.
A disadvantage and possible exploit.
The removal of Auto Aim does not stop Aimbot hacks. So this is nothing to do with Aim Bot hacks. Yes, a keyboard could be used with the controller. There are ways that Crytek could have allowed Auto Aim for controllers only and disabled the keyboard and mouse if it detects you have a controller on, like Left 4 Dead.
Although i liked the thought from the first game where you could start or search for gamepad only servers
It’s very interesting how you argued against aim assist yet ended your post by mentioning gamepad only servers. It shows that you do know that Auto Aim for controllers does not necessarily have to adversely affect keyboard and mouse users. I wouldn’t mind using game pad only servers. There are also many other solutions Crytek could have looked at rather than over reacting and removing the feature completely.
By that time your hand might stay in the way your controller is shaped.
Actually, if I sit on a chair and casually rest my arms on my lap, the comfort in my hands feel very much similar to when I am holding a controller in my lap.
Hovering you WASD hand, with fingers over a flat keyboard on a table is not as natural as resting your hands down on your lap or holding a controller.
If you have an XBOX controller, try it and see. I won’t even mention again the carpel tunnel syndrome and other milder wrist and hand discomfort issues that are inherent with regular mouse usage.
With a keyboard, your forearm and hand tendons are not so relaxed because the keyboard requires a near-constant “pronated” tension in the forearm, as well as other “top wrist“ tensions. A controller, on the other hand, keeps the forearms and wrist in what is naturally the most comfortable lap resting positions for the forearms, wrist and hands, where the hands form a “right angle” against the lap.
And if playing so much from your couch is comfortable, then when are you not on it? because face it most people , ecspecially in a work week , don't do much besides sitting home watching tv or something. (in the evening) so you might as well tie your ass to your couch.
No, when I come home from work, I watch less TV than the average person. I use gaming to relax.
You also seem think that a controller user must remain seated on a couch for hours, yet a controller is actually more healthier, overall, than using a keyboard and mouse. For, example, I can choose to remain standing while gaming.
I can stand during a whole gaming session if I want. You cannot do that with your keyboard and mouse. You cannot just go from a seated position to a standing position without pausing the game and doing some major building works to raise the level of your “flat surfaced” keyboard and mouse.
I can stretch my arms up in the air to loosen my muscles while still gaming You cannot do that with the keyboard and mouse. You cannot lift your WASD hand in the air and magically continue to press the WASD keys with it.
You are stuck hunched in your chair stiff like a zombie for a whole gaming session on your keyboard and mouse. This is probably why you are so stressed out and angry by the end of your gaming session, while I feel both healthy and relaxed.
So which is more healthier, keyboard and mouse or a controller?
Face it an PC game , also First person shooter , how can you even think that controller input must be supported?
That's like buying an PS3 an then complain you can't use your xbox360 gamepad on it?
That anology does not make one bit of sense.
Sorry, but the PC is not a restrictive console where you can only use a particular type of control peripheral, or a particular brand of controller. The PC is, and has always been, the most versatile gaming platform since early home computers first began.
This “PC Elitism” talk that I have been hearing much more over the past few years is very ignorant. If your personal choice is to use the keyboard and mouse, that does not make you more of a True PC Gamer than another True PC Gamer who prefers to use a dual anologue controller.
I have been building PC’s for over 20 years, and gaming on PC’s and other non-IBM-compatible home computers for much longer than that. Quite possibly before you was even born. One of the main driving forces that pushed the early home computers into people’s homes, even more so than desktop publishing, was actually gaming. And, joysticks were quite popular. This allowed the user to have their own choice about which input device to use on major games. If a certain game did not support a particular peripheral, then sometimes, just like today, there were workarounds. So, any serious PC games developer should always take into account the support of multiple input devices, simply because there are, and has always been, PC gamers who may prefer a particular input device.