@ Sebastony30:
Congrats on missing Vengeance1's entire point. Just like you have the right to complain about all the missing features, gamepad users have the right to complain about the lack of aim assist, if not more so. Think about it. Aim assist was in the demo from day one. People play demos to see if they like the game enough to purchase it. They succeeded in the demo with aim assist. Now that it's gone it completely changes the whole game for them and they just wasted their $60. You're just complaining about extras. Extras that you'll end up getting in due time.
Oke so what about the fact they upgrade the pre-order editions automaticly to limited editions if offcourse pre-ordering it early (with promising features like dx11 or a simple thing like the editor or modtools, then when was the demo released? 3weeks before release of full game! so how much chance do you have that you then still have the limited edition? What about those guy's ? i'm one of them......
Besides learn to play without auto-aim , you get better skills anyway.
Why wank about a feature that gives you a handicap to play less skillfull?
For the 20th time I do not have a problem with the lack of auto aim, I use a controller and am managing just fine. Refer to page 47 if you need proof. I'm just stating that I can understand why people would be upset about the exclusion of it in the full version when it was there in the demo. Some people bought the game BECAUSE aim assist allowed them to succeed. It's a matter of business. If your customer expects one thing in return for their money, and you don't deliver what's expected, you're going to receive complaints. Crytek led people to believe that there would be aim assist by having it in the demo. Your, or anyone else's personal opinions on gamepads and aim assist simply DO NOT MATTER. I can't stress that enough. And if you still can't understand why those people might be a little upset now that it's gone then I might as well be banging my head against the wall.
When are you going to realize that everybody and their mother has things to be complaining about with this game so far? That's my whole point. You have the right to bich, and so do the people who bought this expecting aim assist.
I guess the main problem I have with your post is that you're justifying your complaint while just dismissing people's lack of aim assist complaint when both are valid.