No auto Aim ? Why ?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:11 am

Not that this will really make a difference in an internet debate but..

Play with whatever you like but if it has deficiencies, learn to overcome them.

Well, I guess Crysis already said it for me. Adapt or perish.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:45 pm

Well, I guess Crysis already said it for me. Adapt or perish.
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:34 pm

Why anybody bothers arguing the differences between PC and Console standards is just funny...
The really funny thing is I just built a new gaming rig for this game especially because I was tired of playing with a hokey controller and crappy graphics for the last 5 years. On 360 I would turn the sensitivity way up and auto aim off in most fps' because I hate aiming at someones head getting off one round, taking a bead and having it wander off as someone runs in between my target and I. On top of this I had to spend hours modifying my XBox controller to make the D-Pad half usable and put in Sony sticks to get rid of the crap ones Microsoft uses, and my PS controllers give my giant hands cramps.

If for some reason you want a joystick to control your movement go get a Logitech G13 then you have the best of both worlds...

I always wished I could use a mouse and keyboard on consoles because I know Im better practiced with a m+k, but I got used to and good with a controller because that was the trade off for cheap equipment. Now Im back to a keyboard and mouse and svck from lack of practice, but Im happy for it because I know with practice Ill be better than I ever was on a console controller.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:28 am

WASD Movement and Mouse Shooting is a freakin standard. I'd rather play with Mouse and Keyboard TBH. I'm a console gamer; it has a more competitive classy edge, however, you sir are f%$#ing retarded for wanting auto aim. That would TOTALLY destroy the multiplayer experience as you sit in a corner and pop shot Core PC gamers. Like seriously, it ISN'T that hard to play without auto aim on a Controller. You're just a baddie, kid. Stop whining. You're lucky you get perfect precision with a mouse. Douchebag.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:35 am

Why are you playing with a joystick? Use a mouse..

Why am I using a controller? It's simple: it's more comfortable, buttons and actions are easier to execute and I don't get finger cramps from using the keyboard...which as I've said, wasn't designed around gaming. Sure I could buy a different keyboard that would help with that but I've already got a controller here and I might as well use what I can.

Most people in this topic come off as only having used keyboard + mouse on PC games. Try a controller on for size for once. Sure your accuracy won't be as pin-point because of the thumbsticks insensitivity but everything else about it is better

Finger cramps for using a keyboard?! What are you, like 500 pounds or something?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:24 am

well, then do u expect wcg cs players to play cs in console controller?
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:23 am

Auto Aim is for babies.

Play more, get more skill, come back and post in a year when you don't need auto aim anymore.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:02 pm

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

You mean show how to aim in a general direction. Lols
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:08 pm

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:52 pm

No AutoAim
No Crosshair

Be a real man!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:41 pm

No AutoAim
No Crosshair

Be a real man!
Sure I don't need crosshair for my SCARAB, reflex sight is enough!
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:44 pm

No AutoAim
No Crosshair

Be a real man!
Sure I don't need crosshair for my SCARAB, reflex sight is enough!
Iron Sight is enough.

I don't know how people can play SP at least with the crosshairs enabled!
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:10 am

ok if you need to play with a controller play with a controller no shame it in it. but if your making a transition to the pc. maybe you need what we pc gamers of "preferences" like for me i transition back from the console to pc. i was a pc gamer from 1998 to around 2005. i got the xbox 360 games because i did not see any new ones come out pc games came to a hault.

after playing with the xbox 360 i missed out on have to swap out video card upgrade ram tweak games from the ati control center or on nvidia's display manger. but when i moved to the xbox 360 system i got rid of lot of preference like my keyboard and the mouse i had. i games with a microsoft V shaped keyboard because i could not line up my left hand to do keyboard movements for video games and could not remember what button on the keyboard does what and also my hands keep slipping, so that v shaped keyboard helped. also i could not use a laser mouse (current right now) to where i can keep my right hand steady i end up moving my hand to quickly or i lose control of the mouse. so i got me a trackball mouse. this mouse is like a joystick but with a ball in the mouse that is laser so i can move my aim with my thumb then with the whole hand. this one you might think about doing if your just starting and the same with the keyboard.

also you may think about getting a gaming headset to hear guys coming. 7.1 headset could help with that so you know where everybody is on the map and can react better. i think that keyboard is called different. but we are hear to help you game. and get on the right track. so put that keyboard down and lets all give this guy some links that can help him. start with keyboard if the flat one that comes with the computer is not good for him give him something that will work.

heres some links that can help you.
i am not going to give you the gaming headset you may have your choice in taste every pc gamer does. but heres what i game with for a keyboard and mouse.

heres that v shaped keyboard i was talking about.

and heres that trackball that i game with.

i dont need all that high tech gear. but this does the job for me and i love gaming with those two.

those are examples of stuff that may help you.

later guys and keep gaming we dont need auto aim every. for us it took time and days but we got it down lets help these new gamer transition to the pc the right way.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:28 am

I have a broken keyboard i prefer to play Crysis with. It has only one working key, so could you please add a function that does all the running around, aiming, shooting and cursing at other players for me? It's so totally unfair!
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:47 pm

I play C2 PC version with a controller, other than the grendel I do just fine with almost every guns included the gauss, I usually get MVP on IA with 25 kills and rarely over 10 deaths and for other mode I appear on the top 3 most of the time, sure if I got auto-aim I would be better but well, the fact is that you can do just fine without it but your skill is not enough so you want it back, that's ridiculous dude.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:55 am

Why aren't people happy that the option to use a controller is already there?

There are numerous problems with auto aim. For one, it can be exploited by just hooking up a controller to your PC and playing with the mouse and keyboard. This RUINS all competition for others that want to play 'fair'. Aren't FPS (S!) games normally about your aiming skill (complemented by other skills like i.c. the use of suit modes)?

Also: Imagine a car race. One guy has only one arm but still wants to participate. They let him, but he complains that he loses all the time because he can't steer properly. So, he askes for a computer program that calculates the best trajectory and thinks demanding this is completely normal. Think about it.

Please, if you play on PC, play it with a m&k, isn't that logical? Can you use a m&k on your Xbox360/PS3?
Okay, I understand it if you somehow prefer to use a controller, I totally do, but if you choose to play that way I think you need to accept the consequences - i.c. generally being worse at aiming. You're trading in accuracy for comfort.

Playing with m&k is something you need to learn. While at first it might seem a little awkward, it really becomes a second nature later on.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:41 pm

hey butt hole its our lame ass key bording and mouse skills, being its on pc that made the game sweet like cry 1 was. So shut the hell up about PC gaming and go choke on your black atari
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:33 am

Another thing if u cant play a game with out an auto aim then u should go away cause auto aims are cheap like u are for using them jerk
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:42 am

can i get some kind of ping fix? all the servers i see are 100-1000 ping and my computer is good enough for this game and i dont understand why i cant get something without so much lag :(
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:34 am

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

controller are only needed IMHO for racing games/flight sims/platforming games, First Person Shooters are always superior with a keyboard and a mouse. the problem with auto aim is that it gives an inherent advantage to the person using it since its the computer helping you aim instead of you doing it by yourself. Nobody is a fanboy, just people have preference and since the majority of PC users prefer keyboard and mouse then it makes that the de facto standard.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:00 pm

auto aim was ONLY ever on pc because it was an oops we forgot to remove that for the port
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 pm

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

Basically you are saying that because we are god with M/K other people should have "legit aimbot". where did you get that idea, for your arse? For sure not from brain..... anyway you sounds like "invalid argument" lmao
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:46 pm

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

ok for one auto aim is just as bad as a aim but 2 kb/mouse takes alot more skill then a controller with auto aim when u use a mouse u have to aim with auto aim u dont have to at all just get close how is that skill and how would that be showing us how to aim when a code does it for u? and i play on my 55 inch all the time not hard to move my tower out to my tv room face it auto aim is lame and always will be thats what makes console players even able to play fps games cause a controller is not as Persis as a kb and mouse set up.In fact ms tryed this with a cod and the xbox360 they had the top pc players and console players go head to head and the console players fail hard core this is way mw2 stayed non ded servers hell they even took the worst pc players they could find and the console players still got owned face it controllers svck and auto is the only way u can play a fps on console
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:43 am

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

anyone else find this to be pretty humorous?

"hey, give me autoaim so i can show people how to aim by being assisted by the computer instead of actually using raw skill to spot enemies down, just like in singleplayer!"

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:08 pm

This whole argument really makes you think about people's attitudes. One side calling the other a bunch of elitist idiots whilst the other are doing exactly the same.

Want to know something? Most of all of you are guilty of this. Shameful.

Here's the bottom line from someone truly objective:

I own a 360, ps3, and a PC that would blow most everyone's here out of the water (22.6ghz 2x quad xeons, 128gb ram, nvidia gtx460 overclocked to 470). Just so you know, I am not a massive gamer - but I'm a smart buyer and my PC is used for more professional endeavours, but doubles up as a sick gaming rig.

It's all about COMFORT. You are all spending SO much time talking and moaning about what's best and who gets owned by who but it's all irrelevant. More and more PC rigs aren't sitting in an office, or a study, or whatever - they're now hooked up DIRECTLY to massive monitors exceeding 46 inches PLUS in a lot of cases.

So tell me, how many people here play PC games on a full 50 inch HD TV in their living room? I bet a fair few. I wonder how many of those are gamepad users? I'd put money on a lot of them.

Put simply, using a k/m combo on your SOFA is ridiculous!!!! How does that work? Simply put, it doesn't.

Now I like to sit back, have a smoke and play some games on my machines when I get the time away from work - I don't want to sit bolt upright as though I'm in an office and see the return of my RSI because that's the way I sit all day at work!

This is why I like using the gamepad. I don't play Crysis online, so I don't care one bit about this stupid debate amongst stupid people - but there are LOGISTICAL and pratical reasons for many people to use gamepads that FAR EXCEEDS the need to be a petty little fanboy whilst complaining about being the best person who can point and click on a screen amongst a bunch of other people.

This is like cars vs bikes argument. It's moot. One has things the other doesn't. Trying to make a game that caters for both is very hard. But if you're like me and you don't sit bolt upright in some stupid office chair and have an intelligent rig that centres around a big TV screen, surround sound, etc then you can understand the need for a gamepad - or the MASSIVE gap in the market for a gamepad that has the sensitivity and accuracy of a mouse.
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