No auto Aim ? Why ?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:30 am

This is why I like using the gamepad. I don't play Crysis online, so I don't care one bit about this stupid debate amongst stupid people - but there are LOGISTICAL and pratical reasons for many people to use gamepads that FAR EXCEEDS the need to be a petty little fanboy whilst complaining about being the best person who can point and click on a screen amongst a bunch of other people.

Even though understand your point, the 'true' discussion here is wether people playing on pc with a gamepad should get auto-aim in multiplayer. (my opinion about that is on the previous page btw)
I agree with you however that the whole debate about m&k vs gp is pure nonsense.

a PC that would blow most everyone's here out of the water (22.6ghz 2x quad xeons, 128gb ram, nvidia gtx460 overclocked to 470).
Orly? I believe you've left some typos in there...
- 2,26 ghz xeons, 22,6 Ghz would be totally awesome but you'd need a whole skyscraqer full of LN2 to cool that.
- 128 friggin' gb of ram?! (~10000$ of ram(!!)) Are you playing this on a server or something? How?

- (I could go on and nitpick that a 460 technicaly cannot be overclocked to a 470 but I'm not that big of an ass ;) )
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:38 am

yeah bro my computer is a HP xw8600 server tower - it's a professional desktop for video editing software (high end stuff like Avid)

It's not even maxed out properly.

It's running 2x Quad-Core Intel? Xeon? Processor X5482/ 3.20 GHz,1600 MHz FSB, 150 watt

So you're right, I did make a typo :)
Should have read 25.6 not 22.6
and here is my ram spec:

HP 128GB (16x8GB) DDR2-667 ECC FBD RAM Supported ONLY w/dual processors - I have onboard 8 ram slots that support 8x8gb DDR2, but with the upgraded ram riser I have doubled this to 128gb DDR2 667mhz

Its about 4 years old too, the only real bad things about it is DDR2 but when you're running 128gb of it, it doesn't really matter much.

By the way here is my spec. You know you can pick these up off ebay pretty cheap.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:20 am

Don't expect to race with a Fiat against a Lamborghini and be on even footing, even less winning.
Skoda can win against Ferrari
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CSar L
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:25 pm

Having 2 quadcore Xeons at 3.2GHz per core does not mean your computer runs at 25.6GHz! The fact you have 8 cores means that your computer can (theoretically) perform 16 calculations simultaneously (assuming Xeons are threaded like Lynnfields and Sandy Bridges and whatnot) at a rate of 3.2GHz (or 3.2 billion times per second). This is vastly different from being able to perform 1 (or 2) calculation(s) 25.6 billion times per second.

As for the subject of the thread, aim-assist is not the solution to controllers competing with the standard kb/m setup. Controller design is ultimately what should be addressed. If there was some way to integrate a more precise and responsive replacement for a second joystick that made use of more of the hand's agile muscles, that would help reduce the gap between the aiming capabilities of kb/m and controller users.

And simple practice goes a long way in this respect. I have a few friends who use the gamepad on their computers and still fair quite well in C2 MP. they are not often the MVP of IA and TIA matches but smart tactics give them a huge advantage over stupid players (which there are PLENTY of).
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:22 pm

OMG, auto aim needs to be in crysis 2 multi, the m/k users have an advantage of turning around fastly and their mouse speed isnt constant like on controllers, so to even things out, the controller should have auto aim.
wat im trying to say is that a person using a mouse can turn around fast and when shooting he/she can move the mouse slowly with needing to adjust the sensitivity. on controller U CANT FRIKEN DO THAT, so i suggest to even things out, there should b auto aim
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:39 am

i mean WITHOUT needing to adjust their sensitivity, not with on line 5
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:26 am

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

Give you auto aim online so you can show who to shoot? If you need auto aim then you aren't good enough to teach anybody anything. How about you quit complaining about this on a platform where kb/mouse are clearly the majority here? You're trying to preach console to pc and you will not win. Especially when the original crysis was pc exclusive. Right now, pc owns crysis, that is the community the consoles will follow and stray only slightly from.
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:31 pm

Depends on the game, i can't stand BFBC2's control, and consequently svck at it. Hate R6V2 on M/KB, but love it on gamepad, and we all know why that is...

Gamepads never outweigh the M/K combo. More buttons, more functions, more gameplay, better game. Auto-aim lets the game aim for you, which could be considered a style of cheat. That is why no-one with a brain likes it.

I used to think the same, loving the gamepad, but now that i've become accustomed to it, its the only way to play a game, it really is...
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:22 pm

yeah bro my computer is a HP xw8600 server tower - it's a professional desktop for video editing software (high end stuff like Avid)

Ok, awesome for you.
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james kite
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:29 am

Auto-aim? Controller? On a PC? This is blasphemy! This is madness! THIS. IS. CRYSIS.

Hahaha! Well said.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:21 pm

i like to use the xbox controller and although alot of people hate it on pc i really think the controller should be fully supported in all new fps for the PC. i dont care which is better and i dont care if you kill me 9 times out of 10. Would it really hurt PC gaming if i have the choice to use a controller?
take bad company 2 for example, i love that game and play it online on the ps3 but i would love to be able to use a controller for it on the PC. however i cant which svcks for me. maybe someday the hardcoe kb/m fanclub will realise that if pc gaming is accessible to more people then they wont end up with "**** console ports" half the time.
anyway im just glad that the controller will work in singleplayer and multiplayer (unlike MOHs multiplayer) but asking for aim assist is like asking for cheats and i dont agree with that.

No to the accessibility. The "hardcoe kb/m fanclub" (which consists of every pc gamer) will not "realise" that. Games that are built to use kb/m have completely different game mechanics! A game for a controller environment needs to be easily accessible in order to be fun, while a kb/m game actually NEEDS a way more sophisticated control mechanism in order to be a good game.
Example: Starcraft 2, or any strategy game, which requires an input that is simply unmanageable with a controller. Imagine playing it with a controller, it would drive you mad within five minutes. Same with FPS games. This goes down to the very heart of a game, the way it's being created by the developers. I'm not saying that console games are cheap or too easy or whatever, not at all, they just utilize another input device which requires a certain development strategy that cannot be the same as pc game development.
FPS games were born on the pc and will always need the width of control variety that a kb/m offers.

Recently, some FPS have been adapted to consoles (making them playable with AUTO AIM) or even developed directly for them and those games may be great fun on consoles. You can even imagine a FPS developed for pc that utilizes a controller. What I'm saying is that a FPS, developed for a pc and kb/m input, will always be something else than a game using a controller. It's game mechanics. FPS on consoles will never, and cannot ever, be like the pc games they originate from. So accessibility really means not developing kb/m FPS anymore, anyway that's how I see it.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:45 pm

So it's OK for M/KB guys to use Aimbots and Cheat but it's NOT OK for Controller players to use Aim-Assist. Gotcha. Hypocrites.
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jessica breen
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:51 am

So it's OK for M/KB guys to use Aimbots and Cheat but it's NOT OK for Controller players to use Aim-Assist. Gotcha. Hypocrites.

Haha, another console tard. No wonder gaming is going to hell this quickly nowadays. Link me to a topic saying cheats are acceptable. Can't find one? That's right, because you're a retard.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:28 pm

So it's OK for M/KB guys to use Aimbots and Cheat but it's NOT OK for Controller players to use Aim-Assist. Gotcha. Hypocrites.

If you hadn't noticed, no one actually likes those hackers, and aim assist is NOT a hack but a game function used to help all those who use a controller.
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Ian White
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:24 pm

this thread disgusts me

it's degrading enough to even allow you scum to play this glorious game on a PC

it's even worse that you disgrace it with a controller


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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:48 pm

Why don't those people that want aim assist or aimbot or whatever you want to call it on the controller just download a software that enables those features and options? There are hacks out there that enable you to have those features, because essentially they are cheap and cheating features that gives an unfair advantage to the user... Which is why it is probably not supported anymore...

Also whoever is down to play me in a game online with their controller saying they can pwn kb/m add me on Crysis 2 and we'll game... You can even have your "aim assists" on if you want...

C2 Username: crysis2312
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:49 am

Eh... If Gamepad is superior to KB/mouse for FPS why do so many console gamers complain abt console players who link up a KB/Mouse and use it to play in on the console platforms. I see people in mw2 and blops forums complaining abt KB/Mouse users in xbox saying its unfair blah blah blah. Why so? If its so good why do you need aim ASSIST. Why do you need a program to help you to aim? Maybe the device is a bit unwieldy for FPS games? If it works so good why the need for some external "help". (I have no issue with game pads themselves, they rock for plenty of other games like arcade fighting and fifa in which a kb/mouse is just too unwieldy to use. I use controller to play fifa on my computer by the way).

I don't see PC people complaining about controller users on the PC platform (unless they're demanding an aimbot/aim assist). But I see plenty of people in console gaming calling KB/Mouse users on their platform as having an advantage.

IMHO, the fact that you need a program to help you, shows the device is inferior for the purpose of FPS. No PC user will bich about connecting a controller to play fifa on PC. Nor would anyone bich about you buying a joystick to play H.A.W.X or a steering wheel set to play racing games. it's the way the game is meant to be played and some input devices are just superior for different types of games.

FPS was born on the pc. Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem Quake. FPS games were born and developed with a keyboard and mouse in mind. And Crysis 2 FOR PC was developed with KB/mouse users in mind (supposedly - lol at "press start button" in a PC game)
I DON'T GO BARGING INTO A CONSOLE GAMING FORUM DEMANDING THE GAME DEVELOPERS ALLOW AND DEVELOP AS PART OF THEIR GAME, A PROGRAM THAT WILL ASSIST ME IN PLAYING FIFA, STREET FIGHTER OR NINJA GAIDEN USING A KEYBOARD & MOUSE because I like to to use them on a console to play these games. I can imagine what kinda **** i'd be getting if I did. You Mrwhodamanxbox are doing just that. The only reason you're whining now is because Crytek took away something that shouldn't have been there in the first place. If they didn't incorporate it by mistake you wouldn't be here whining or demanding it should be there. No other PC FPS has this and no one expects them to. Why don't you go over to any CoD (mw2, blops) or BFBC2 forum and demand the developers incorporate aim assist into the PC version of the game for users who want to use a controller on PC. Don't for get to list down your "advantages" of a controller and its superiority to a KB/mouse and that it should be in multiplayer too. I'm sure you will be deemed a very very smart and visionary individual. Don't forget to tell them it will show all those people how a true fps is played.

I await a (hopefully) intelligent reply from you.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:15 am

Eh... If Gamepad is superior to KB/mouse for FPS why do so many console gamers complain abt console players who link up a KB/Mouse and use it to play in on the console platforms. I see people in mw2 and blops forums complaining abt KB/Mouse users in xbox saying its unfair blah blah blah. Why so? If its so good why do you need aim ASSIST. Why do you need a program to help you to aim? Maybe the device is a bit unwieldy for FPS games? If it works so good why the need for some external "help". (I have no issue with game pads themselves, they rock for plenty of other games like arcade fighting and fifa in which a kb/mouse is just too unwieldy to use. I use controller to play fifa on my computer by the way).

I don't see PC people complaining about controller users on the PC platform (unless they're demanding an aimbot/aim assist). But I see plenty of people in console gaming calling KB/Mouse users on their platform as having an advantage.

IMHO, the fact that you need a program to help you, shows the device is inferior for the purpose of FPS. No PC user will bich about connecting a controller to play fifa on PC. Nor would anyone bich about you buying a joystick to play H.A.W.X or a steering wheel set to play racing games. it's the way the game is meant to be played and some input devices are just superior for different types of games.

FPS was born on the pc. Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem Quake. FPS games were born and developed with a keyboard and mouse in mind. And Crysis 2 FOR PC was developed with KB/mouse users in mind (supposedly - lol at "press start button" in a PC game)
I DON'T GO BARGING INTO A CONSOLE GAMING FORUM DEMANDING THE GAME DEVELOPERS ALLOW AND DEVELOP AS PART OF THEIR GAME, A PROGRAM THAT WILL ASSIST ME IN PLAYING FIFA, STREET FIGHTER OR NINJA GAIDEN USING A KEYBOARD & MOUSE because I like to to use them on a console to play these games. I can imagine what kinda **** i'd be getting if I did. You Mrwhodamanxbox are doing just that. The only reason you're whining now is because Crytek took away something that shouldn't have been there in the first place. If they didn't incorporate it by mistake you wouldn't be here whining or demanding it should be there. No other PC FPS has this and no one expects them to. Why don't you go over to any CoD (mw2, blops) or BFBC2 forum and demand the developers incorporate aim assist into the PC version of the game for users who want to use a controller on PC. Don't for get to list down your "advantages" of a controller and its superiority to a KB/mouse and that it should be in multiplayer too. I'm sure you will be deemed a very very smart and visionary individual. Don't forget to tell them it will show all those people how a true fps is played.

I await a (hopefully) intelligent reply from you.

Wow, nice wall of text. Nobody in the 55 pages here has mentioned anything you have said .
Oh wait...I have a new one...
The controller is better than the keyboard and mouse.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 am

that's a clever answer,you are hopeless.

The post was very clear, and so right.

But I don't see any problem having aim-assist in SP campain.

Tell us again why you need assist on a pad (if it's, according to you, better than KB/M) while KB/M players don't ?
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El Goose
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:00 pm

No avoiding of issues pls. Stop trying to divert attention. Throwing sarcasm and insults without rebutting the points made. Is a 8 yr old tactic
Address the qn pls: if game pad is superior why do u need assist?Answer pls.
Why doesn't other PC shooters incorporate aim assist for controllers in multiplayer if game pad is so superior and theres such a demand for it? answer pls
Have you gone to BFBC2 or CoD forums or any PC FPS game to tout your wonderful claims that aim assist should rightfully be incorporated into PC fps for users who prefer a controller esp in multiplayer? Answer pls.

Or to reply in a way u might understand based on your previous posts.
all I've heard so far from you is:
"I can't rebut the issues brought up so I'll make a sarcastic remark, maybe no one will notice i couldn't rebut the points made"
"I will make a wise crack, so that maybe no one will notice i haven't been able to rebut anything even though it was brought up many times. hopefully i will seem really smart and witty"

Why did I repeat most of what other people have said? Cause you haven't answered the questions. Other than throw up insults and so called wise cracks. Your clear avoidance of the questions is showing.

Still awaiting an intelligent reply. Or you can throw in more dim witted sarcastic remarks that clearly don't address the counter arguments to your points .
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:36 pm

No auto aim on pc, period
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:12 pm

Eh... If Gamepad is superior to KB/mouse for FPS why do so many console gamers complain abt console players who link up a KB/Mouse and use it to play in on the console platforms. I see people in mw2 and blops forums complaining abt KB/Mouse users in xbox saying its unfair blah blah blah. Why so? If its so good why do you need aim ASSIST. Why do you need a program to help you to aim? Maybe the device is a bit unwieldy for FPS games? If it works so good why the need for some external "help". (I have no issue with game pads themselves, they rock for plenty of other games like arcade fighting and fifa in which a kb/mouse is just too unwieldy to use. I use controller to play fifa on my computer by the way).

I don't see PC people complaining about controller users on the PC platform (unless they're demanding an aimbot/aim assist). But I see plenty of people in console gaming calling KB/Mouse users on their platform as having an advantage.

IMHO, the fact that you need a program to help you, shows the device is inferior for the purpose of FPS. No PC user will bich about connecting a controller to play fifa on PC. Nor would anyone bich about you buying a joystick to play H.A.W.X or a steering wheel set to play racing games. it's the way the game is meant to be played and some input devices are just superior for different types of games.

FPS was born on the pc. Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem Quake. FPS games were born and developed with a keyboard and mouse in mind. And Crysis 2 FOR PC was developed with KB/mouse users in mind (supposedly - lol at "press start button" in a PC game)
I DON'T GO BARGING INTO A CONSOLE GAMING FORUM DEMANDING THE GAME DEVELOPERS ALLOW AND DEVELOP AS PART OF THEIR GAME, A PROGRAM THAT WILL ASSIST ME IN PLAYING FIFA, STREET FIGHTER OR NINJA GAIDEN USING A KEYBOARD & MOUSE because I like to to use them on a console to play these games. I can imagine what kinda **** i'd be getting if I did. You Mrwhodamanxbox are doing just that. The only reason you're whining now is because Crytek took away something that shouldn't have been there in the first place. If they didn't incorporate it by mistake you wouldn't be here whining or demanding it should be there. No other PC FPS has this and no one expects them to. Why don't you go over to any CoD (mw2, blops) or BFBC2 forum and demand the developers incorporate aim assist into the PC version of the game for users who want to use a controller on PC. Don't for get to list down your "advantages" of a controller and its superiority to a KB/mouse and that it should be in multiplayer too. I'm sure you will be deemed a very very smart and visionary individual. Don't forget to tell them it will show all those people how a true fps is played.

I await a (hopefully) intelligent reply from you.

Wow, nice wall of text. Nobody in the 55 pages here has mentioned anything you have said .
Oh wait...I have a new one...
The controller is better than the keyboard and mouse.
55 pages and this guy still hasn't given a logical and well thought out argument.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:37 am

Map all the functions of Arma 2 onto a controller. I dare you.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:01 pm

anyone who needs auto aim or aim assist, PC or console is a pus and should be ashamed to call yourself a gamer,regardless of what you use, KB/mouse of controller.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:31 pm

We all heard that crytek have removed auto-aim for PC because of the unfair advantage it may give players and the chances of it being exploited, so the problem is how auto-aim is used for gamepads.

sometimes i open fire to a gamepad players in multi for about 10sec but they kill me with a single shot in my head as they turn to me!!!!

we know that targeting with a gamepad is a very difficault think but if they use auto-aim Enabled they can kill you as easy as targeting somewhere near your body. you get headshot toooo much easy in Multi-player games.

i am here to ask EA to add some controlled faults on aimong procedure in gamepads to make them act like mouse to prevent easy kills for gamepad users

i want all of you to support my think
sorry for my very bad eng and thank you all
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