No auto Aim ? Why ?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:57 pm

i believe the auto-aim is just for consoles now, i maybe wrong though, anyways, from Scotland to Iran i sent you good wishes, have a good day fellow gamer. :)
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:07 am

thank you
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:50 am

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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:55 pm

if u actually think about it auto aim is like ur instinct, u wouldnt struggle to aim in real life would u? no u would aim in a rough area of where ur target is and thats what auto aim does , it doesnt lock on to players and to be honest the mouse has a big advantage against a game pad anyway so i think it leveld it out a bit , and u should have servers jus for gamepads only and there would be no fuss , i like the mouse but the keyboard is too oldschool for me
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:30 am

if u actually think about it auto aim is like ur instinct, u wouldnt struggle to aim in real life would u? no u would aim in a rough area of where ur target is and thats what auto aim does

shooting rough area well you most likely will miss irl as-well, thats just shooting on luck wish is not the same with autoaim because it snap to the target.

to be honest the mouse has a big advantage against a game pad anyway so i think it leveld it out a bit , and u should have servers just for gamepads only and there would be no fuss

true kb and m has its advantage, but why should there even be serves just for gamepad on pc?? thats why there is x-box360 and PS3 for o.0

, i like the mouse but the keyboard is too oldschool for me

kb to oldschool for you xD how you even manage to type on here than :p

PS: srry my bad, couldn't helped myself >.<
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:05 am

to be honest the mouse has a big advantage against a game pad anyway so i think it leveld it out a bit , and u should have servers just for gamepads only and there would be no fuss

true kb and m has its advantage, but why should there even be serves just for gamepad on pc?? thats why there is x-box360 and PS3 for o.0

This should close this thread, no one give aim-assist on PC nor make servers just for Pad users, Pad's were ment to be used with consoles, and learn to live with it.
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Multi Multi
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:48 am

yo iv bin trying really hard to get used to the keyboard and mouse becuase i beleive it is more accurate when u get used to it but im struggling might have to buy a gaming kb and mouse.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:48 am

Gaming keyboard: Unecessary
Gaming mouse: Necessary.

The only advantage gaming keyboards offer are anti-ghosting functions which for a shooter like Crysis is entirely irrelevant since you don't generally have enough simultaneous key-presses for ghosting to occur. If you're into all the lighting and media control functions though a keyboard might be appropiate for you.

You definitely need a gaming mouse, or a mouse that is of reasonably high quality. Generic mice tend to skip on uneven surfaces and have a slow response rate. Also their DPI generally isn't high enough and increasing mouse sensitivity through Windows/Crysis has the trade off of loss of accuracy and response time.
That and with a gaming mouse you generally have more buttons to map game functions on, I have melee, grenade, zoom, weapon swap and Nano-vision all mapped on my mouse, saves you the time of having to spread your fingers from WASD. Might sound lazy but its usually the difference between getting a kill and being killed.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:13 am

thanks for advice bro!
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:32 am

An aim-bot is something where aiming is automatically done and you get the kill, normally, by just standing there and pressing the fire button. Aim-assist is where you'll still need to aim but the computer 'helps' you to aim. There are certainly similarities between them.... just differing levels of 'help' are involved here.

Aim assist on a PC is suicide for an FPS, it helps on a console but not on PC, especially on the demo it shows as aim assist was turned on still when you use the mouse. If Crytek was to disable use of the mouse while playing with the controller then it may have a different impact.

Using a decent mouse with a good DPI (dots per inch) will give you miles more accuracy than a controller can any day, in my opinion.

That being said, anybody playing PC who is saying GTFO and go back to console is killing what sociable gaming is on the PC and the market suffers as a result. I own a PS3 and a PC, best of all three worlds, as you can see and chat to your xbox buddies for free on your pc and laugh at them while you play graphically better and less laggy servers.

I use the controller on my PC for driving games, third person, platform and puzzle games and the good old keyboard and mouse for first person games. I have tried controller for FPS and have never got used to it, too slow.

All that being said, I applaud what Crytek have done so far, for both the PC and the consoles and keep up the good work.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:55 pm

....dude...get a good mouse..1800-5600 dpi. You can try a logitech g13 for your keyboard hand if you don't like a keyboard. (i use one and I personally love using a thumbstick to move instead of keys). but you are in the pc gaming crowd now. Anybody who's been in this community for any amount of time knows the benefits of a mouse over a joystick. Your joysticks can't match my sensitivity settings..i can do a 180 degree turn over about 3 inches of mouse pad (it's like instant.) There have been tests done. Such as microsoft's venture into an attempt to integrate pc gaming and the xbox community. In FPS games - mediocre keyboard/mouse users were destroying PRO xbox gamers EVERY TIME. If you want to play on the PC and have a competitive edge - use a mouse. Bottom line. Even if they do make a fix that makes auto-aim only work if you're actively using your controller - i don't see you having much fun getting your face smashed every map. learn to play with your'll never want to play an FPS with a controller again.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:09 am

thanks man i will never be using my gamepad agian now , and i might have to buy a g13 , was never sure what the anolog on it was for but if u can use it for moving instead of wasd then that sounds perfect for me and what mouse would u recomend ? thanks
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:04 am

thanks man i will never be using my gamepad agian now , and i might have to buy a g13 , was never sure what the anolog on it was for but if u can use it for moving instead of wasd then that sounds perfect for me and what mouse would u recomend ? thanks
I'm using a Roccat Kova and I'm highly satisfied with it. The button for the thumb is ideal for melee.

If you play the MP on console against console players, AA is no problem.
But if you could play with the console against a pc player and you have AA, it would be a bit unfair.

Gamepads on pc is a difficult topic. You can get a great advantage against other players.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:28 pm

Good God. Is this really a serious post? This crap is what is wrong with gaming.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!

So you need a crutch in the form of auto-aim to show people how to shoot? Did you even think about that before you typed it?

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:51 pm

So I guess I have these statements then:

1) Why should I be demoted to console graphics if I like to use a controller?
2) It is really hard to fit my 62" 3D Samsung DLP on my computer stand.
3) If you guys are so good with a kb/mouse, why are you so scared of Auto Aim for controllers (sounds like fanboyism to me)
4) I can't get the leather couch to wrap around my computer desk properly.

Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games.

Give me auto aim online (it is in SP) so I can show these kb/mouse fanboyz how to shoot!
1)If you have a problem with the console's graphics then take it up with the console community/makers. Don't try to make the pc community responsible for it.
2)No one told you to... and no one does that... if you want to then it's your own problem.
3)We're not scared. We dont' like to play with players who have their computers aim for them.
4)Again, your problem, not ours.

Again... not the pc community's problem that you're not getting new consoles. If you want to stick with controllers, maybe you should keep to consoles.
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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:00 am

LOL I have been playing with a KB+M since 1980 and have no desire to change....
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:44 pm

I'd like to say that I use keyboard and mouse. I'd like to think I'm pretty good.

I can see that the problem here is that controllers are not precise enough to compete with a mouse. I can also see that the first Halo had an excellent aim assist that was not seen as a "cheap or cheating" implementation. I would have no problem if they implemented aim assist, as long as it is implemented for everyone. Fair is fair. I wouldn't want to deny people from using any method for playing, but there is just no way to differentiate keyboard and mouse from game pads. Personally I took my xbox controller and mic and am using that with my keyboard and mouse to chat online (yes, I am cheap enough not to go out and buy a PC mic). You cant really expect our development friends to change the system to disable the mouse IF a game pad is hooked in. This would be easy to exploit anyways. I will admit that players are currently exploiting the game using aim hacks, but those tend to be pretty obvious. If you were to try and separate the aim assist for only game pads it would be like GIVING hackers (that obviously use a keyboard and mouse) a means of hiding an unfair advantage over other keyboard/mouse users. I think if a basic aim assist was implemented gamers that choose to use the game pad will find they can compete, even if the mouse also has some aim assist. I feel that the gamers who choose to use the game pads are afraid that if everyone gets the aim assist that the players with the mouse will still have the advantage, but until controllers get better this *might* be the case. Sorry to say that, as much as I do like controllers. Fair is fair, either no aim assist (fine with that) at all or everyone gets it.

Also I'd like to say it seems reasonable to add aim assist as an OPTION for servers. But of course as of now it is probably just seen as a waste of time for the developers, and seeing as they have all the bugs that they do they are probably right. Now that everything has been stated, all you game pad users can do is hope and wait.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:53 pm

The first few pages on this are ridiculous.
Think of it this way, you have a choice between K+M and controller in crysis, two different input methods.
In sports you have a choice between different moves to make. Some are better than others(note, i'm generalizing here but you get the idea). Using the a less effective option does not entitle you to any compensation, which is what aim assist is.

Or think of it this way, your given a choice between a gun and a knife in combat, does using a knife entitle you to the commando perk? Based on the complaints it got in MW2 and its removal in BO, you console players don't want that either.

Controllers are great for racing games and 3p shooters. When I want to just relax on my couch to play games, I even use a controller for any game that supports it. However just because I use one doesn't mean I should be able to snap it to other people. You trade useability for comfort. Compare a destroyers to a cruise ship.
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:35 am

LOL I have been playing with a KB+M since 1980 and have no desire to change....

And what game would that be, that you played since 1980, that had KB/M support, pray tell?

As for the topic, I couldn't care any less for aim assist in Crysis 2.

To all the KB/M users arguing against it, you're the same people wishing for cross-platform play so that you can own controller players even with their aim assist.

Guess what? I played the MP demo as well, there were hordes of players using aim assist w/ controllers. Didn't make the game any harder to play personally.

Now you (kinda) got what you wanted, and you're still biching. Guess what, any KB/M player worth their salt don't care if aim assist is in game. They will still beat aim-assisted controllers any day of the week.

TL;DR: IDC, the more to challenge myself with, the better.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:19 am

Why in the heck would anyone want "auto aim" in a multiplayer game .. WHY? That's almost like allowing hacks in my opinion, atleast for multi game play. It gives such an unfair advantage and it does not help someone new to the game to learn how to aim, all it does is aim for you. If you want in single player, that is fine and your choice. In multiplayer though it's just not the thing to do!

If you are'nt that good, just keep playing.. if people are calling you a noob, then just ignore them, it's just words and everyone at one time or another gets called a noob. I've been playing PC games for almost 15 years now, I still get called a noob, and sometimes I play like a noob. It makes me feel sixy and special. If it angers you to be called a noob, get the machine gun with 200 rounds per clip, hide in a corner, then go from cloak to armor and spray and pray, I'm sure you'll mow down some peeps. Then right after you kill a bunch of them, call them NOOBS and leave before they can kill you again. (LOL?)

Anyway.. no "Auto Aim" please! Let this topic slowly fade to the very last forum page and may it RIP!
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:13 am

Bump.......Controllers are better than kb/m setup.
Just a reminder
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:26 am

Bump........Trolls keep on trolling, it's kinda funny.
Just a reminder
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evelina c
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:28 am

haha lol .. meh. give em auto aim .. why not ?? its a console game anyways, its full of cheaters.. I dont play it anymore, heck Charge the retards for DLC too while your at it !! , oh wait..
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Lily Something
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:06 am

People using the 'challenge' argument are just ridiculous.

If you want to play a PC FPS online you use a mouse, or you accept the ass kicking.

Playing with a controller at all should be the 'challenge', not dealing with aim assist.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:50 am

Its either all or none !!, I never understood what community ever discussed this taking away auto-aim issue , I think I know who did , the hundreds of Cheat Forums I guess , they try to build it in again :P
So taking away auto-aim for all equals it out , or giving it all does the same.
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