Crytek made this game to support BOTH KB+M and Controller. After playing for a few hours tonight the game is very unbalanced for controller players now. Good luck trying to hit a moving target at any sort of distance. it is near impossible to do without the opponent seeing you shoot and putting you down with ease. I find it funny all the keyboard guys that post you could "destroy" controller players yet you are the first guys to run in here and start crying. If it is easy then why do you care? You can still kill people just fine with it on but for us it is really a struggle to get ANY fair battles.
This isn't a issue of what you prefer, this is a issue of BALANCE the game is now imbalanced in the keyboard and mouse's favor. The developer supports both so they should make it even to play with both. Not everyone wants to use the keyboard because it is not that comfortable to play with. They have to do something to help out controller players because if you keyboard guys like it or not. We also bought the game and prefer to have the benefits the PC version brings to this game and the ease to use the controller. XBOX is NOT an option for some of use because the game is inferior on that system. So quit using that as an excuse. Crytek better do something to even the playing field or they will have even more unhappy customers than they already have.
If it is easy then why do you care? You can still kill people just fine with it on but for us it is really a struggle to get ANY fair battles.
Because any firefight in a competitive PC environment ought to be 100% based on your ability to manipulate the controls, not rely on any automation.
The developer supports both so they should make it even to play with both.
Can you plug in your 360 controller, turn around with it, and pull the trigger? Yes? Good. You've got your controller support. Stop asking for automation where I have none.
If it is easy then why do you care? You can still kill people just fine with it on but for us it is really a struggle to get ANY fair battles.
Because any firefight in a competitive PC environment ought to be 100% based on your ability to manipulate the controls, not rely on any automation.
The developer supports both so they should make it even to play with both.
Can you plug in your 360 controller, turn around with it, and pull the trigger? Yes? Good. You've got your controller support. Stop asking for automation where I have none.
I can't point and click on someones head with it. It is not nearly as precise as a mouse. That's why aim assist was in the game in the first place.... to make the game playable for all. You guys claim to do just fine no matter what so why so you care so much? Try plugging in a controller and shooting someone from a distance without the advantage of pointing and clicking. You will get owned 9 times out of 10. How can you "manipulate controls when you are much more limited than your opponent. If they wanted one control device to be fair superior to the other why did they even give you the option.
I can't point and click on someones head with it. It is not nearly as precise as a mouse. That's why aim assist was in the game in the first place.... to make the game playable for all. You guys claim to do just fine no matter what so why so you care so much? Try plugging in a controller and shooting someone from a distance without the advantage of pointing and clicking. You will get owned 9 times out of 10. How can you "manipulate controls when you are much more limited than your opponent. If they wanted one control device to be fair superior to the other why did they even give you the option.
The game is playable for all, you just choose to use an input that isn't what works for the genre. You aren't limited compared to your opponent by the game, you are limited compared to your opponent by your own choice.
Crysis with it's vehicles involved would make using a gamepad fair enough, but in the infantry-based multiplayer of Crysis 2, it doesn't have as much of a place. Can you use it, sure.. but that is your choice to limit yourself to the controller's abilities.
This wasn't a good topic to begin with and you're well aware as to why.
You're playing on a PC... cope with the advantages or constraints of the hardware, as you see them, and don't bother with being argumentative on a forum when you already know the subject will be controversial.
The developer eliminated auto-aim. The reasoning behind the elimination is not pertinent, though justified.
I can't point and click on someones head with it. It is not nearly as precise as a mouse. That's why aim assist was in the game in the first place.... to make the game playable for all. You guys claim to do just fine no matter what so why so you care so much? Try plugging in a controller and shooting someone from a distance without the advantage of pointing and clicking. You will get owned 9 times out of 10. How can you "manipulate controls when you are much more limited than your opponent. If they wanted one control device to be fair superior to the other why did they even give you the option.
The game is playable for all, you just choose to use an input that isn't what works for the genre. You aren't limited compared to your opponent by the game, you are limited compared to your opponent by your own choice.
Crysis with it's vehicles involved would make using a gamepad fair enough, but in the infantry-based multiplayer of Crysis 2, it doesn't have as much of a place. Can you use it, sure.. but that is your choice to limit yourself to the controller's abilities.
I choose to use a SUPPORTED gamepad, so I should be able to kill someone as easy as my opponent can kill me regardless of what they have to do to balance it. There has to be a way make it even and make everyone happy but taking the aim assist option out of the game completely did not do that sorry.
I choose to use a SUPPORTED gamepad, so I should be able to kill someone as easy as my opponent can kill me regardless of what they have to do to balance it. There has to be a way make it even and make everyone happy but taking the aim assist option out of the game completely did not do that sorry.
Where does "supported" mean "same effectiveness"? Does the gamepad work? Can you look around and shoot with it? Yes? Then it's supported, hell it's even better than supported, all the buttons are mapped for you already.
This wasn't a good topic to begin with are you're well aware as to why.
You're playing on a PC... cope with the advantages or constraints of the hardware, as you see them, and don't bother with being argumentative on a forum when you already know the subject will be controversial.
The developer eliminated auto-aim. The reasoning behind the elimination is not pertinent, though justified.
Who are you to decide? Give it up with the PC guy elitist attitude. I like many others want an enjoyable gaming experience just like you do. So why do you guys get to whine and complain to get something out and we can't do the same to get something back? Pot meet kettle... and to the comment about it out and no coming back. We'll see what they do because they can put it back, tweak it, do whatever they want to do just as easy as removing it. There needs to be something because nothing isn't working.
I have hardware it's a 360 controller and when I played the demo it worked well now I bought the game and experience is 100% different for me but you guys are not effected one way or another. So how is that fair to the guys that play with the gamepad? The game need balance and right now it isn't. If you guys don't like the gamepads presents go find a game that only supports keyboard and mouse...
This is an example of the needs of the majority outweighing the needs of the minority.
The whole damn point of PC gaming is mouse and keyboard, actual skill, and no auto aim. Letting people like you enjoy yourselves is what consoles are for.
I don't get the whole argument that "PC takes skill but console auto-aim doesn't". I played console FPSs for two years before switching to PC, and using the mouse is worlds easier than using a gamepad, even with the AIM ASSIST taken into consideration. One of the main reasons for me playing PC over console is because of how much better and easier it is.
If one really thinks that using a mouse takes so much more skill than using a gamepad, then that person must have trouble browsing the Internet or using a computer in general. So many precise clicks to be made.
If a game is going to tote gamepad compatibility from the menu, then it needs to have aim assist.
Give it up with the PC guy elitist attitude. I like many others want an enjoyable gaming experience just like you do. So why do you guys get to whine and complain to get something out and we can't do the same to get something back? Pot meet kettle... and to the comment about it out and no coming back. We'll see what they do because they can put it back, tweak it, do whatever they want to do just as easy as removing it. There needs to be something because nothing isn't working.
Because this is the PC platform. On that, the primary interface is the keyboard and mouse with much less noticeable assists. (Mouse Acceleration and smoothing are notable ones, but a fair number of people disable that anyway...)
I have hardware it's a 360 controller and when I played the demo it worked well now I bought the game and experience is 100% different for me but you guys are not effected one way or another. So how is that fair to the guys that play with the gamepad? The game need balance and right now it isn't. If you guys don't like the gamepads presents go find a game that only supports keyboard and mouse...
Don't like it? Contact EA for a refund on it. You're playing on the PC with other PC players, and the community as a whole has said you can use your gamepad, you just can't have an aim assist.
I choose to use a SUPPORTED gamepad, so I should be able to kill someone as easy as my opponent can kill me regardless of what they have to do to balance it. There has to be a way make it even and make everyone happy but taking the aim assist option out of the game completely did not do that sorry.
Where does "supported" mean "same effectiveness"? Does the gamepad work? Can you look around and shoot with it? Yes? Then it's supported, hell it's even better than supported, all the buttons are mapped for you already.
yes they put the controller into the game because they saw that people are going to use it. Now it is such a disadvantage to use it is almost not worth playing with. Which svck for guys like me that really have no desire to play on Mouse and Keyboard. I did very well in the demo and had lots of fun. If I would have know that i was going be getting killed over and over when I clearly start shooting first I would have never bought the game.
Face the facts guys, with no new consoles in the forseeable future, controllers are a MUST for PC gaming. If you want to stick with the KB/mouse (oldschool), maybe you should keep to Diablo/Sim games. !
yes they put the controller into the game because they saw that people are going to use it. Now it is such a disadvantage to use it is almost not worth playing with. Which svck for guys like me that really have no desire to play on Mouse and Keyboard. I did very well in the demo and had lots of fun. If I would have know that i was going be getting killed over and over when I clearly start shooting first I would have never bought the game.
Controller support is usually there to begin with since it's already done. Being primarily a console title that was also released on the 360, everything was already completed.
You may have had fun during the beta (yes, beta) by being able to snap to your target with aim assist, but that doesn't work for competitive environments on the PC platform.
Well I agree to disagree. Here is my reasoning: 1: PC and consoles have always raged wars on each other.... 2: KB/M will always favor FPS 3: Controls will dominate over mostly everything else unless you have advanced controls for game eg.(driver,flight sims.) I am both console and PC gamer. I stand by my brethren though on the fact that people want equal rights on PC as well as console, but are not willing to give up the fat that they will be at a very big disadvantage in PC FPS world.....
I have just returned to PC gaming since, been absent for a bit but I can tell you nothing is greater than 1:1 interface.
If the PS3's Move can do what it says then you will have your next 1:1 movement device for console gamers. Verdict still out on Move since I have not bought it yet.
I have 2 systems that run over 2k easy and a laptop that runs about 1.8k. I still prefer atm controls until I get back into Pc format.
This in anyway or form make me a PC or console hater but when ya gots to cheat to win thats wrong....