Im so sorry to say this but if auto armor would just get changed to work how it is written in the description of the perk than the mp would last alot longer than it is going to. Im probably going to go off on a little rant but before i do i want to say the game besides these few problems if fantastic and has real potential. First thing first and what the post is titled about is the dreaded auto armor. If most of you dont know it does more than the description says it does. If you have auto armor on your class and you get sniped or bow'd by one of those pesky invisible snipers instead of dying in one shot the auto armor kicks in and saves your life by transferring all of that damage to your armor energy instead of your health. This is blatantly overpowered and needs to be fixed. Having 100% of your armor mode on all the time to protect from these situations without the movement penalty is very op.
The other thing which does seem to cause some irritation is the lack of optimization. I have a gtx 680 and no matter how many options i seem to switch around (believe me ive tried everthing from nvidia control panel solutions to ingame vsync etc...) the gpu usage never goes above 50-60% which can be very annoying when fps stutters all over the place. Im no game developer so i dont know how hard this could be to fix and im not saying that its easy but it does have to get fixed if people are going to want to continue to play your game. Sorry for the rant crytek forum members and CM's but i thought that we could use another one of these threads to maybe get our point across.
The game as i said is very enjoyable and satisfying but could be made alot better if the things i listed above can be resolved.