Auto-Health Regen

Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:31 pm

Sorry my fellow grognards, I gotta say that I side with the Kool-Aid drinkers on this one, with a caveat. Please excuse wall of text.

The late great Gary Gygax said

"It is quite unreasonable to assume that as a character gains levels of ability
in his or her class that a corresponding gain in actual ability to sustain
physical damage takes place. It is preposterous to state such an
assumption, for if we are to assume that a man is killed by a sword thrust
which does 4 hit points of damage, we must similarly assume that a hero
could, on the average, withstand five such thrusts before being slain! Why
then the increase in hit points? Because these reflect both the actual
physical ability of the character to withstand damage - as indicated by
constitution bonuses- and a commensurate increase in such areas as skill
in combat and similar life-or-death situations, the "sixth sense" whith
warns the individual of some otherwise unforeseen events, sheer luck,
and the fantastic provisions of magical protections and/or divine
protection. Therefore, constitution affects both actual ability to withstand
physical punishment hit points (physique) and the immeasurable areas
which involve the sixth sense and luck (fitness)."

I feel that regeneration is an excellent way to handle not necessarily health in an RPG, but survivability. Feels kind of weird in an FPS though. I just always picture my guy pushing 50 cal rounds out him like a bunch of slivers.

but BUT BUT!
There should be some way to become injured in combat that is not made better by taking a breather. When my character actually does get hit, it should have consequences. I'd really like to see lingering injuries that can only be remedied by potions or spells.
However, I'm afraid this won't happen and getting gored by a boar is nothing 5 minutes of breathing exercises can't fix.
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:43 pm

That's why resting and fast travel restored health in Oblivion? So resting to heal using a menu is good, but resting without using an interface isn't. Gotcha.

I never said I was for wait healing. Or liked it in OB.
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:51 pm


You DO realize that that quote does not support health regen right? It only supports increase of max health on level ups, which Skyrim already has a choice for.

Bottom line is that wounds don't heal over a couple hours. I don't care how heroic a person is they don't heal a cut or scraqe in a matter of hours. What this system does is take the magic out of magic by making unnatural occurrences even more commonplace than they are. No longer are only spells magic or the combination of mystical ingredients but EVERY SINGLE ENTITY is magic because they somehow heal wounds like Wolverine
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 2:40 am

That's why resting and fast travel restored health in Oblivion? So resting to heal using a menu is good, but resting without using an interface isn't. Gotcha.

Essentially. Although it's not really much of a menu when all it says is "Do you want to rest and how long". I guess they could create a system that made you sleep for how long someone might actually sleep in the circumstances but that'd be particularly complicated
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:31 pm

That's why resting and fast travel restored health in Oblivion? So resting to heal using a menu is good, but resting without using an interface isn't. Gotcha.

Oblivion didnt do this well.
Health and magicka should not fully regenerate by waiting 1 hour.
In Morrowind and Daggerfall this mechanism made much more sense, when sleeping only a fixed amount per hour got restored so you needed to rest longer than one hour.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:49 pm

I personally do not like this it take's away the challenge of the game,I would like to see it as a perk or some kind of enchantment,I would not use it but it would be great for people who are new to the game. :fallout:
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john page
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:14 pm

Pete Hines already twitted that it does not help you in combat and it does not replace Restoration. People just havent played it so they shouldnt jump to all these conclusions (thats me not him, but also his general sentiment).
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Becky Cox
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 4:58 pm

Pete Hines already twitted that it does not help you in combat and it does not replace Restoration.

I'd be curious to know what it's purpose is, then. If it doesn't help when you're in combat, and isn't as good as restoration, what is it providing that you didn't already have?
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:46 pm

I'd be curious to know what it's purpose is, then. If it doesn't help when you're in combat, and isn't as good as restoration, what is it providing that you didn't already have?

Which is kind of the point. Health Regen is a double edged sword. Too fast and it dumbs down the game, too slow and its rather pointless, especially in a ES where your given so many options to heal. So why even have it?
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:15 pm

Well, I would just sleep/wait and basically instant auto-heal before hand so it doesn't really make a difference.... At all.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:50 pm

You DO realize that that quote does not support health regen right? It only supports increase of max health on level ups, which Skyrim already has a choice for.

Bottom line is that wounds don't heal over a couple hours. I don't care how heroic a person is they don't heal a cut or scraqe in a matter of hours. What this system does is take the magic out of magic by making unnatural occurrences even more commonplace than they are. No longer are only spells magic or the combination of mystical ingredients but EVERY SINGLE ENTITY is magic because they somehow heal wounds like Wolverine

A thousand pardons, I have difficulty expressing myself over internets.

nurgle nurgle nurgle

Anyway, I was trying to say that hit points don't represent health exclusively. They also represent sixth sense/combat awareness/divine favor/hero stuff. That hero stuff that makes deadly wounds minor scraqes or near misses is what I see as being represented by regenerative health. WoTC's Star Wars role playing game (before Saga Edition) actually separated these into vitality points and wound points. Vitality points represent a characters ability to avoid harm, once those are depleted the character starts getting actually for real deal wounded. Those vitality points were recovered at a faster rate than wounds, similar to regen health. That is how I always viewed health in Oblivion, as a combination of physical health, and combat survivability. Otherwise all weapons were boffer swords or many people had developed a resistance to the less desirable effects of finding a sword driven through his or her torso ten times...

What I am saying is that regenerative health is a good game mechanic in action RPGs to represent vitality points. ---GOOD!---

My concern is that Skyrim will not have a distinction between vitality points and wound points, and any wound will be regenerated outside of combat in moments. ---BAD!---
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Sarah Kim
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:38 pm

I've read people saying they think that auto health regeneration is a bad idea and makes no sense. I've read that people think it will make the game easier than they would like. I'm sure the folks at Bethesda would have this as an option to turn off, as well as more options to increase difficulty of the game. I've not actually heard any news which proves that auto health regeneration is a part of Skyrim but I do think it is in fact a good idea.

What happens when you bump your head or take a hard fall? You get hurt. -But, you heal over time. In fact, most people find a way to cope with pain and discomfort within minutes of receiving injury and get on their merry way. You will make a full recovery(depending on the seriousness of your wounds) eventually... The point is that in real life you adapt and recover quite quickly from your wounds. Anyone who has played contact sports or fought knows this. You can take quite a beating and ten minutes or so after you will feel strong again. I see no problem with this aspect of reality being included within Skyrim.

People adapt. People recover their strength. Wounds heal. Get over it.

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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:41 pm

If there were still a way to increase your natural regenaration, this could actually make for another valuable game mechanic. You could make an Argonian warrior with extraordinary physical healing powers, or an Altmer mage so adept with the magical arts that his magicka replenishes very quickly.
Too bad they axed attributes, so everyone will regenerate with the same speed. Thus, this is only another vehicle for easymode gamers and not an actual character trait.

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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:54 pm

I would actually like it more if health degenerated over time.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:34 pm

I am appalled that Bethesda has crippled the game in such a way by adding auto-health regen. It is my sincere belief that this sort of regen system will ruin the feel of the game (you just automatically become healed with zero explanation)

Edit: It has been revealed that large health regens during the demo were most likely due to hotkeyed potions. While this removes the concept of huge health regens mid-battle the question remains as to just how fast this constant health regen is.

Anyway, add your thoughts

For crying out loud can people please stop posting about this health regen crap!?

In the demo Todd had God mode active which meant some skills were at 100, the PC's health was at 999 and the regen rate was also VERY high.

In the actual game it will be very different from the demo unless you like using god mode (god only knows why... wait... what?).

Health regen in TES games is absolutely fine as long as it works in a specific way.

1. Health regen kicks in after your health has fallen below 90%.

2. Health regens VERY slowly (2HP every 20 seconds or so).

3. Health can only regen rapidly by sleeping in any bed for more than a few hours.

4. Should the PC's current health amount fall below 25% then health regen will NOT occur because their wounds are now considered FATAL.

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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:25 pm

I'd only approve of it if you had to stop and rest to regain it like WoW. In WoW, if you carry on walking around, out of your 150,000 health pool, you'll probably regenerate 100 every 5 seconds. Stop and eat food, it'll heal 5000 a second. But, while eating, you can't do anything else.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:34 pm

I am not in favor of this i don't see why Bethesda felt the need to add this but i will just have to trust them and see how it plays out i guess. as long as they add werewolves i will forgive them for this :thumbsup:
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Post » Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:58 pm

No. My suggested method at the lower part of
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