True, but people need to realize that this is a video game. There are limitations to how many features can be implemented before launch. Once Beth gives people too much freedom in one area of the game options, people start complaining about lack of freedom in others. It's a great idea, in many respects, but I'm not sure it'd be anywhere close to the top of their to-do list. Whether or not I can customize if my game automatically saves every time I kill something doesn't change the fact that I can hit the F5 button and auto-save myself whenever I please. Developers have to look at matters like this with discretion, because once you cater too much into a certain aspect of something, people will start to complain about why another aspect isn't as robust. That's why games are made more or less with a balanced philosophy in mind. If they catered to what everyone wanted, we'd have a game that would be a real life simulation instead of an entertaining, 100-hour RPG. See what I'm getting at?
I think I see what your getting at, (although i can't hit the F5 button (Quicksave)... the xbox controller doesnt have one, but that's not the point.) but i just think adding a couple options for more autosaves really isn't something that takes a lot of time, nor would be that big of a deal to anyone except a couple people who want it. It won't make a difference in the game really, especially if you only do the ones that make sense (like when you enter/leave a dungeon/city, and maybe when you finish a quest ONLY after there's no hostiles around).
It won't (shouldn't) make anyone mad to add the options, and it takes no (very little) time to implement, I don't see why they can't add a couple more options. And even if It makes people ask for other more robust aspects, like you say, I don't see at all how that's a bad thing. :shrug: