Hip fire!
STR : 6, so 7 with the bobblehead. For armorer, steady aim and strong back if you got spare points.
PER : 1. No master lock picking, no VATS accuracy! VATS is for NEWBS!
END : 1, so 2 with bobblehead. Toughness, life giver and chem resistant whenever you got spare points to dump in more endurance.
CHA : 7, so 8 with the bobblehead. All the fun settlement perks + a stronger companion.
INT : 6, so 7 with bobblehead. Gun nut, hacker, science and chemist at 1
AGI : 2, so 3 with bobblehead. Commando and maybe sneak if you wanna play it without power armor.
LCK : 5, so 6 with bobblehead. Better criticals! Also bloody mess and mysterious stranger if you got spare points.
sneak around with a crappy sneak which works since your weapon is mid range, or walk around in power armor ; the whole hip fire thing will make use little action points, so your fusion cores will last longer. You have enough action points for 1 or 2 batch of bullets ; use them wisely. Weapon mods and steady aim perk will ensure a good recoil to your automatics. At some point, you're supposed to get better criticals maxed, with 1 point in chemist ; you can craft a drug that will give you 25 % more damage and 25 % critical hits outside of vats ; that will boost your dps tremendously. Just keep your nuka cola, acid and psycho to craft it. Get Cait if you want her to pick locks for you.
Play the game like a real FPS should be. VATS is for newbies! The high charisma should take care of your caps - bullet needs.