Check out the Automatic Patrols!
Automatic Patrols is a system that allows the user to easily put any creature on a patrol route. These patrol routes are automatically and procedurally generated and work in any area that has pathgrids: Dungeons, wilderness, cities, Oblivion gates, etc.
Keep on your toes and prepare to be surprised, as the dungeons will be much more alive. Patrols just might decide to come at you from behind, or wander into an area you thought was clear of monsters!
This system has also been integrated into Dynamic Leveled Lists (link below), to will make a percentage of every spawn in your entire world patrol automatically. So, if that sounds more appealing to you, then head on over to the DLL page!
This is more of a modder's resource if they want to make a mod that has the Automatic Patrol system, but don't want to have the entire DLL package as a requirement.
Please refer to the Automatic Patrols readme for more information! 8)
The most up to date .