No excuse for me, my father was a firmware programmer and I've had a computer in the house since I was 5. (That's 1982, folks!) Granted, you probably had programming classes in high school, whereas until meaningful internet access reached me (late 90s) all I had was dusty 6502 assembly references... but I think I've had enough time and opportunity since then to figure more stuff out than I actually have.

That's pretty cool though - I haven't really messed much with assembly. And really, my computer classes in high school were a joke; a friend of mine and I taught our teacher more than she taught us, in sophomore year... (she was new; the old teacher had been better, dunno why they got her). I think having the Internet plus the free time inherent in being a teenager is more to blame.
On a different note: NifSE has been on the front page for days, but you didn't touch this thread... until now! Does that mean a more significant update on the near horizon?

Well, if you've read the NifSE thread in the past few days, heh, you'd see that my harddrive died and I very, very nearly lost all of NifSE
and ARES. So that's why it's been on the front page.
Anyway, the plan is to run NifSE support for a bit while we make sure that the alpha is solid, wrap up a few odds and ends with it (ensuring backwards compatibility is most important; currently it's not), and releasing v1.0 not-alpha version. After that, yes, I'll be back to work on ARES - though, IIRC, it's going to need a fair amount of rewriting, just based on the stuff I learned while writing NifSE that I didn't know when writing ARES.
Which has pretty much been the process all along. Working on ARES caused me to learn how to do some things that didn't work right in the original NifScript, which is how NifSE v1.0 got started in the first place, but then in writing NifSE I learned a lot of things that go back to ARES, sooo... yeah. They feed off of each other. They're pretty similar projects; ultimately, both are primarily about tracking and organizing data structures and passing them to Oblivion as needed (nifs for NifSE, magic effects for ARES).