I am going to jump straight into this, appreciate anyone reading this and giving their input as I am hoping to find a solution.
.45 Semi Auto Combat Rifle VS .45 Sub Machine Gun. A semi auto Combat Rifle does WAY more damage, WAY capitalized more damage then the .45 SMG. Not only does each bullet do a LOT more damage, but you kill things much faster as well. Lets assume you have the mods and Perks that optimize said weapons.
I have two characters in Fallout 4, both just under level 40 on Normal difficulty, at least right now. One is completely specialized in all full auto's in the game, and one in semi auto's. I have much more caps, I have much more ammo, and I never run out of ammo with any gun on my semi auto character. I do much more damage, and kill faster as well.
The Cost and Time to KIll is awful in comparison to semi autos. You just do so much more damage, faster and with far less ammo with none automatics. The cost is the biggest issue, it cost way too much caps to buy 5mm or .45. It just doesn't pay off.
Other then Sniping Big Guns and other fully automatic weapons are simply more fun to use, especially miniguns, but its eating me alive and not paying off in comparison to my other characters experience.
I am looking for opinions, suggestions, and input on this. I want to hear I am doing something wrong, and more importantly why.
Thank you!