Automation Tools for TES5Edit
by matortheeternal
Automation Tools is a package of scripts for use with These scripts allow you to
perform batch modifications, generate records, or create useful reports. Automation Tools is a
must have for modders old and new, as the scripts included can save truly massive amounts of
time. With Automation Tools, edits that would once take hundreds of hours can be completed in
mere minutes.
Filename: AT - NPC Generator v1.4.pas
Length: 2407 lines
Executes generally
- Generates NPCs quickly (about 2/second)
- NPCs generated completely randomly, billions of possible combinations. No two NPCs will
look the same! - NPCs will be generated from the assets available in TES5Edit. Generate NPCs with your
hair, eye, brow, beard, etc. mods without any extra work! - Can generate up to 100 NPCs at a time.
- Easy to use user interface allows easy customization of generation parameters, including
the race, gender, last name chance, scar chance, and height of generated NPCs. - Over 1000 lines of code dedicated to tint layers on generated NPCs.
- Generation of NPC facial geometry in the creation kit (Ctrl+Alt+F4) is recommended for
NPCs to appear in Skyrim correctly. - Generated NPCs look good.
Length: 2228 lines
Executes generally
- Generates a fully functional Armor mod using user input parameters and a folder of
NetImmerse model files. - Supports 6 armor pieces: Helmet, Cuirass, Gauntlets, Boots, Shield, and Cloak.
- Option to generate constructable object records (recipes) for armor pieces.
- Constructable object records allow for the use as many conditions as you would want
from a preset pool of 12 condition functions. - Assets are loaded from the files open in TES5Edit, so custom recipe items, condition
parameters, and armor materials are possible. - Manual nif file tagging available if the automatic tagging procedure fails to identify
certain nif files in the specified directory. - Generated armor mods are fully functional, but placement in game world must still be
done manually.
Length: 1088 lines
Executes on selected records
- Allows for batch modification of records via eight useful functions, multiple of
which can be set up per script execution. - ElementAssign: Adds an element to a list of elements.
- Add: Creates a non-existing element.
- Remove: Deletes an existing element.
- Replace: Replaces an element value with a new element value.
- Formula: Applies a formula to an integer valued element to generate a new value.
- Restore: Restores values on a specified element to those found on a lower override
or base record. - TemplateRestore: Restores values on a specified element to values from a template
record on weapons and armors. - Copy: Copies the element/elements from a specified path on a specified record to
selected records. - Import: Imports values from a csv file to the selected records.
Length: 345 lines
Executes on selected records
- Allows the user to display values from the selected records at specified paths to
the message log. - Allows the user to export values to txt or csv files.
- When used in conjunction with QuickChange's import function, allows for quick and
easy modification of values on any number of records.
Length: 330 lines
Executes on selected records
- Allows the user to replace a reference to a given FormID to a reference to a
different FormID on the selected records. - Allows loading of FormID lists for ease of usage - you can look up FormIDs to
find/replace from the script's window.