i loved it, overall.
for once, a dlc that does what i think _any_ good dlc should do:
expand on the main world and leave it with new features.
the quest was fun to play, and for once didn't end just as expected (i actually was pretty sure the mechanist would turn out some robobrain 3000 thingie, and, after i'd read the according terminal, run esteban's brain (anybody could clear up for me what it is with that guy, in the last terminal entry, he seems to have totally turned around his opinions, i just can't make sense of it)
and the robot building's pretty cool, so after fallout has eaten The Sims, it has eaten The Spore, what'll be next? 
...and isabel, just my kind of girl... 
for the disappointments-and-complaints-section anyway:
--- i think the robot building misses parts for cutsie- and comedy type robots. pretty much all the parts look like taken out of a lawn mower's innards.
...and why on earth can''t i paint my robot GREEN?? i want my flying mr. froggy!!!
--- if there was ONE thing i REALLY expected from this dlc, it was to finally get my friggin' workshop at easy city downs!!!! (or hester's at least) ...and then A NEXT DOOR BAsemanT WHERE THE SUN NEVER SHINES INSTEAD?????? W H Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
--- ok there were TWO things i REALLY expected from this dlc - the more important one being:
G O O D F E E L S ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (not even his VOICE available...)