Will there be new enemies included in this dlc?
Will there be new enemies included in this dlc?
Aaaaagggghhh an army of Fisto, Toasters and Muggy bots.
I loved the Sink stuff in OWB. I wouldn't mind something goofy like that again.
Seriously though... I would love to equip Muggy with a knife and send him out to mug people for their.. mugs.. I'd lose it if I saw a wastelander cowering at the sight of a toy sized robot.
Oh oh.. Or Dr. Feelgood running my chem stand.. "Whoa! Far out!"
It's getting released whether you and I like it or not. They may as well expand upon the base content of the game.
The mechanics for Fallout 4 are already FPS adventure with extremely mild RPG stuff thrown in, so it ain't like there is much more to ask for than more stuff to shoot.
I hope we can let our robot run in east city down.
I think It's more about having more variety, than just tons of the same three enemies over and over.
The DLC info released says there wll be new robots, so yep
Nice catch - Bethesda always preps their patches with some preliminary data from the DLC. Pretty handy for anyone savvy enough to dig inside. Anything in that folder?
might be enough... if behaving less predictible.
some foes that don't act like "xxx's next top model" (wandering in fight as if they were running the catwalk, looking to catch as many flashlights as they can) would be nice.
so far threads are generated by overwhelming numbers, bullet sponges and unnatural firepower. i'd like some tactics added to that
How exactly would they do so without a complete overhaul of the game. Do you honestly expect any developer to spend that amount of time and money?
Believe me, I'm one of the biggest complainers about Fallout 4, but even I wouldn't expect such a thing. Best hope there is that they've learned their lesson for Fallout 5, or better yet..
I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about this DLC. I just worked my way up to the robot hacker perk and I'm excited about that, I imagine a create your own robot will be 10X better, and with selectable voices!
That said I'll probably be mired in March Madness and NBA playoffs by the time it comes out and then it'll be summer and I'll never play it. But right now, I'm all about Automatron! lol
I don't remember names (because I don't care) but aren't all the people that were praised from Obsidian gone now? I've heard it talked about a bunch of times. So an Obsidian made FO would be a huge gamble if done at this point. Maybe someone can chime in with names
Still a bunch of great people at Obsidian and those that left absolutely love Fallout so I'm sure they'd be willing to sign on for the project too. One person doesn't make a team anyway.
I'm all for more fallout regardless. I 90% liked NV so I'm sure it would be mostly a great game.