- Robots equipped with unstable gatling lasers have severe friendly-fire problems. They need to use the same code as settlement turrets, which from my experience are quite careful about not shooting settlers or me. My robot has murdered a number of Settlers found in fights against Rust Devils. The other energy beams are much weaker and in any case, Bethesda can use the turret code they already have. It would also be nice if they didn't fire on crops, what a mess.
- Protectron needs the protectron voice, especially the law enforcement one. It also needs to talk much less than it currently does. Maybe only when combat starts. The new voice is annoying, though I like ADA's.
- Parts dropped by robots needs to be much more varied. I have parts to build several assaultrons, but no mr. handy and very little protectron. I'm well aware you can make these yourself, but why favor assaultron parts so much?
- Just like all the other corpses in game, if you revisit an area too quickly, the robot corpses seem to stick around forever. This needs to be universally fixed - one timer countdown, no matter what the player does.
- Spawn for robot attacks on Castle need to start outside the walls, obviously.