Hey everyone! Today I finally get to take the lid off of a project that has been 6+ months in the making, and I'm glad to be able to put it in your hands. It's called AutoMW, an (open source!) utility for Morrowind.
The big problems I aimed to solve with this project are
- the twitchy pace of combat,
- create an Auto-save system that makes sense (and that you can configure)
- make Morrowind Enhanced a more organic, automatic experience
AutoMW works off of a modular concept, allowing users to enable and disable the features they want or don't want. And each module included with AutoMW is highly configurable, so you can tailor each one to your own personal experience.
Currently, AutoMW ships with 3 modules already installed (and more already in the making):
Auto-Trance: This module automates Morrowind Enhanced v1.6, and puts the Trance function of Combat Enhanced on autopilot. You can set it to enter trance when you enter combat, and exit it when you leave combat (or put away your weapon!). It also enables Cinematic Slowdown: only activates for a few seconds when certain combos are performed, for a dramatic, bullet-time-like effect. No button pressing.
Auto-Quicksave: Implements a better auto-saving system. Uses the Quicksave slot to allow you to save on an interval (say, every 10 minutes), or save every cell change. It won't automatically save while you're in combat, by default.
Auto-Play: A dirt-simple module that simply presses the "Play" button on Morrowind's default launcher. A hassle saver for Steam users where this launcher is unskippable.
On top of this, AutoMW uses a Unified Launcher to let you launch all of your common utilities with a single click. FPS Optimizer, MWE, and MWSE Launcher all launch alongside Morrowind.
Where To Get It
Download from:
Install Instructions (VERY IMPORTANT):
You MUST have the following installed:
*AutoIT3, an automation / scripting engine for Windows. ( You can grab (Choose Full Install, and all default options!).
*MWSE (either the MWSE Launcher or MGE Internal)
*Morrowind Enhanced v1.6 (older versions unsupported). Not a requirement, but very recommended as Auto-Trance requires it.
To install, just unzip the package anywhere on your computer. Launch AutoMW.exe and you're good to go! A short tutorial will help you set up AutoMW on the first launch.
AutoMW utilizes a plugin-like modules system you can use to write new modules for AutoMW! If you're interested in developing a module for AutoMW, head to the of the website.
Personal Note
This is the biggest thing I've probably ever worked on, so please, tell me what you think. It's my way of giving back to a community that has given me so much over the years. I welcome all bug reports, complaints, and gripes
Hrnchamd: For fantastic testing, and MCP / MGE XE / legible fonts.
Aerelorn: For Morrowind Enhanced!
NZdawghaus: For the Splash Resource Pack.
GhanBuriGhan, Yacoby, melian, et al.: For writing "Morrowind Scripting for Dummies" (this book is targeted at my demographic)
Yacoby (again): For "Scripting With MWSE". The pipe example was unbelievably helpful.
Have fun!