[WIP] Avatar Na'vi playable Race

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:53 pm

И автор сделай две расы одна na'vi-с четырьмя пальцами другая avatar-пятипалая

And the author made two races, one na'vi-four fingers other avatar-five-fingered
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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:04 am

WOW! I loved this movie! I have to ssay: Nice!
I just see one problem.
Only the females had the holes in their ears.
Looks great. Will we see some weapons too?

Also, don't know if this matters at all, but Jake and all the human avatars had 5 fingures on their Navi bodies

Actually, I doubt they actually had holes in their ears without some form of piercing, like Neytiri (how however the hell you spell that name) had thos big piercings that would make holes like that, I'm pretty sure it's not an actual physical trait of female Na'vi in general.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:03 am

ZIMBB ты россиянин или американец и просто умеешь говорить по русски
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:58 pm

What's up with all the russian (I assume it's russian, I'm not sure as I don't read or speak it myself) in this thread. I mean, it's fine when there's a line of English beneath it, but this is an american forum, and it would be nice if posts were readable by people who don't speak russian.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:03 am

нет, я Украинец.
no i`m Ukrainian
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:15 pm


Everything from the world .. Armor weapons will be getting made by are team sooner or later

already have a guy working with weapons just read that thread page 24 is a good start

P.s am Rayne72 that thread op

Also RG good work so far :)

once the race gets out Will probably see whats what with the race and how we *might* change stuff to Fit Pandora E.i .. a Not so tall vesrion and a TAll version *1.600 hight 1.450 weight for males females 100 smaller i think that's what we are aiming for for tall version till then RG we wil tak about that when it comes up

( am also thinking of custom spells to namely rom the Avatar Game .. like Eyewa breath ( scripted healing every 30 sec for example) All Scripted spells ..that take time to recharge the na'vi dont use magic so they dont have Any mana at all ... all they have is there Scripted power just an idea but no where near that stage yet

P.s am Rayne72 that thread op
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David Chambers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:00 pm

Hmmm... interesting... now I know that http://translate.google.com/# works well with Russian. :)

I just popped in to find a link to the official patch. I'm re-installing to test the mod on a clean game.

Like Arnold said "http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/multimedia/arnold_illbeback.wav"

P.S. I'm following your progress Rayne72, it's looking good :thumbsup:
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 am

Just got back from the movie (which was amazing btw) and I gotta say, that race looks really good. :goodjob: Especially the sparkly things. One question, how large will they be compared to a human (men)? In the movie they appear to be almost twice as big but that'll probably be too big for Oblivion (it is sooooo big-people-unfriendly :rolleyes:).


I was just testing out the height, male 1.4 and female 1.3. At that height there was no problem navigating the corridors of the prison or moving through the doors. Visually it made a nice contrast with human characters, but there are problems.

When you are seated there is a noticeable gap between the bum and the chair. OK in first person but not so good in 3'rd person or for people who like taking screen shots.

Something much worse than that. I walked up the stairs to the Emperor and his Blades to get a height comparison, and as I moved up the narrow stair case with my head close to the ceiling, I immediately felt nausea, :yuck: almost ill. I get that sometimes from games with poorly done graphics, I've never had it from playing Oblivion.

That might be fixable by changing the FOV, but that's not a direction I want to go in. The height will have to be scaled back. They will be taller than any vanilla race, but no way will they be ten feet tall. The Base Race is being made for Cyrodiil, not Pandora.

They might be ten feet tall in Pandora, but at the moment I'm only thinking about making a playable race for Cyrodiil. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:16 pm

to zimbb чувааааааааааааааааааак я тож из украины а ты смотрел аватара если да скажи фильм класный я игру вот недавно поставил аватар игра класная я щас за аватарав решил играть а автору советую выставить то что все видели в прогресе но как сказал Задорнов какие американци тупые а кстате zimbb ты модер
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Matt Terry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:40 am

а чё я моддер?
я не моддер, я так, балуюсь)
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:38 pm

Looks like you're doing a good job with this. :)
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:23 am

I dont realy understand why people be so crazy about this "The Smurfs on Steroids" movie. Or "Dances with Wolves" just in space.
Is this not more a thing for Fallout 3? With Laserguns and stuff like that?
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

RedGuard Mage2, can you place below the shoulders? like in movie&
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 am

like this
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:17 pm

RedGuard Mage2 Expose plugin something that already exists or if you do not want to put it now Throw me e-mail something that already exists at the same time, I'll make a small test example will check the growth of the premises in a battle with other NPC will fight look like with other animations and the face and body of a man propose to make the glow on the body as a woman just is not as bright as on the face can take a picture with the picture I can send it by e-mail I have a lot of picture with the glowing person only please retreated to test plug-in
e-mail Helouwwen@yandex.ru
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:15 am

RedGuard Mage2 do really well right now as I say I think it would be better to make two separate races Avatar's and Na'vi difference will be that that will Na'vi with four fingers and in the future try to remove the glow of the fifth fingers Na'vi

And once again I beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg please please please please please please please please please please please throw me everything that has been done to test

ONCE AGAIN HERE IS E-MAIL Helouwwen@yandex.ru
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:56 am

what sequels? the noble blue smurf furries defeated the evil mother nature killing humans, end of story.

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Joanne Crump
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:21 pm

RedGuard Mage2, can you place below the shoulders? like in movie&
zimbb, I'm not sure but I think you are asking if I can have the hair fall below the shoulders. The answer is yes. I will make several different hair styles. The hair that will be long and pulled back will be available as a wig. The reason for that is because long hair below the shoulders has to be rigged to the body or else it will clip into the body and come out the tummy when the character sneaks.

The problem with rigged hair is that it wont work in the CharGen menu selection, or at least no one has figured out how to make it work as far as I know. So yes, it will be below the shoulders but it will be a wig.

RedGuard Mage2 do really well right now as I say I think it would be better to make two separate races Avatar's and Na'vi difference will be that that will Na'vi with four fingers and in the future try to remove the glow of the fifth fingers Na'vi

And once again I beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg beg please please please please please please please please please please please throw me everything that has been done to test

QWERTY12, I agree that there should be more than one race. Maybe more than two. I would also like to have a spell that could turn a human into an Avatar. I have also experimented with normal Imperial skin tone using Na'vi nose and ears and glowing sparkles, and they look very good, so I might include that as well. There should be no limits to what can be done.

The reason for the glow on the nonexistent 5th finger is because I made the glow mesh before I had the 4 fingered hand, so the glow mesh has 5 fingers. Not a problem, easy to fix. I haven't done it yet because the female body has a very poor uv map with lots of texture distortion. You can see that in the pictures where the glowing dots are too large and distorted out of shape.

The solution is to completely re-map the female body so that there is no distortion. That is also not a problem, I know exactly how to do it. I have done it many times before. Attempting to fix Bab's horrible uv map is how I learned most of what I know about uv mapping. When I have done the re-map then I will finalize the glow texture. The male glowing body will be done in the same way.

I am flattered by your kind words, and your offer to help test is generous, but I can not accept. I have released an unfinished mod before and I regretted it, and I still regret it. I can not release until it is finished and I am happy with it.

There is a saying that I am fond of: "it is not the destination that matters, it is the journey". I mod because I enjoy it. Modding is the journey, releasing is only the destination. I am on the journey and I am enjoying it. As for the destination... I will get there when I get there.


I am going to ask a moderator to lock this thread. A work-in-progress thread was a mistake, I think it actually impedes my progress. It makes me feel like I am under pressure to get things finished and that is not good for me. I need to feel like I am in a quiet and secluded place, then I will do my best work. So the thread will end but the modding will continue.

It was also a mistake to show pictures of this mod when it is still so far from completion. I apologize for this, but I couldn't help myself. I was happy with the progress I had made and I wanted to show it. I will be removing all pictures from public view. The next you see of this mod will be when it is released. There will be no fanfare and no release thread, it will just show up on Nexus some day, hopefully not too far away. The name might be changed by then, but you will know it when you see it.

Until then this mod is going underground, and so am I. :)
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 pm

Closed by request of the OP.
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