[WIP] Avatar Na'vi playable Race

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:46 pm

This will bring the Na'vi race from the movie Avatar into Oblivion as a playable race, and they will also be available for use by any individual or team attempting to recreate Pandora or parts of Pandora, or any Avatar related mod. There are some conditions of use that I will make clear further on in this post

Work-in-progress pictures

Project started Dec. 12 2009


Head mesh
=============65%> =======
I have 3 working versions of the head mesh with the remodelled nose, but none of them are an accurate depiction of what the Na'vi nose actually looks like. Most of the time spent working on the head mesh was aimed at learning proper import and export methods that would enable the facial morphs to work properly and eliminating the gap at the neck. There was no point putting a lot of effort into modeling the nose if the morphs weren't going to work.

The mesh being used for this is Head06, which I have permission from throttlekitty to include in the release. The only technical issue remaining is to see if I can improve the UV mapping on the neck area, which would allow the body striping to continue from the shoulders to the sides of the neck.

Face texture
===============75%> =====
Can't go any farther with it until the head mesh is finalized. What remains to be done is the pinkish part of the nose, and the striping on the neck.

Ear mesh
==========50%> ==========
I have one set of ears which might be included in a beta release, but I really want to redo it. When I did the preliminary version I didn't know where to start, and what I ended up with is flawed and too high poly. I know the second attempt will be better.

Ear texture
=05%> ===================
Just a place holder texture for now. A final version can't be attempted until the ear mesh and face texture are completed.

Eye mesh and texture
new eye texture and modified eye mesh

Body Textures
==================90%> ==
More or less finished, but will need to be colour matched to the face texture.

4 digit hands and feet meshes
Both male and female meshes are finished, mapped and rigged and seem to work fine. As it stands now they have to be equipped by player, but I will be looking for a script to make it more immersive.

Bio luminescent face and body meshes
====20%> ================
For the glowing parts on the skin. Works like an equippable tattoo using alpha channel and glow maps. I've tested it out and it works. What I'm doing currently is using combined upper and lower teeth, and combined mouth and tongue. This frees up 2 slots, one for glowing face stuff and one for glowing body stuff. Unfortunately these slots don't differentiate between male and female, and that is bad for the body because male and female need to have different meshes. What I tried originally was combining the body mesh with the tail nif, and it worked except that I was getting some oddities, so I switched it around. I'm going back to the tail nif and see if I can solve the problem (it may have been just a rigging issue). The tail is a preferred slot because it allows for variation between male and female.

Tail mesh
00%> ====================
Currently using Khajiit tail which really isn't good enough. There will be a completely new tail mesh

Tail texture
00%> ====================
Can't think about a texture until I have a mesh.

==10%> ==================
All I have a the moment is a preliminary mesh that I put together to get an idea of how it might look. I know what I want to do there. 2 basic styles, one that is pure dreads, and one that starts smooth and ends in a braid. I should be able to work several variations off these styles. There will also be longer versions that will be rigged wigs. The hair will be a lot of work but I think it will be worth it.

Clothing and Armor
==10%> ==================
Initial clothing will be very basic (replacing the jail clothes). Loin cloths, jewelry and that sort of thing. Would also like to include complete sets of Leather and Iron Armor (optimized for Na'vi) that you could pick up in the tutorial.

not really thinking about it, but anything is possible.

Attributes and Stat bonuses
to be decided by a poll conducted on this forum

Racial Ability
Eywa's gift, permanent regenerate health - 1 per second on self. I've already tested this out and it's a little overpowered in the tutorial, but once you get out of the sewers it's helpful but not a game breaker. It also compensates for the fact the Na'vi will have no starting restore health spell.

Projected release date
I have no idea. I wish I could tell you but I can't. I have no timetable or schedule. It will be done when it is done. I do most of my modding on weekends, so even though I'm a month into this, it's not like I work on it every day. I figure I've put about 50 hours into this, and it might take 200 hours in total.

When it looks like it is ready, I will put a link on this thread to a beta test version that anyone can download and test. We will make some adjustments and work out any bugs, and then it will be done.


Bodies and compatibilities

Roberts v5 muscular male, and Bab female. I know that will be a dissapointment to many, but I use Bab and I mod for Bab. That's the way it is. Because this is a custom race it can be pathed to the correct texture, and as long as you equip meshes that will come with this mod, then it will be compatible with your game. Where it will become an issue is when you want to use the default clothes or armors, or other modded outfits you have downloaded for your chosen body.


Conversions to other bodies

Probably to early to talk about this, but since I already know where I am going, here it is:

Yes, conversions will be allowed as long as they are in patch form requiring the original version.
Example: HGEC user downloads and installs Bab version, then downloads and installs HGEC patch overtop of Bab version, overwriting Bab specific meshes and textures.

For any modder wanting to do a conversion, be aware that it will require more than just a texture or simple clothing conversion. A proper conversion will require the 4 digit hands and feet meshes and the bio-luminescent body mesh. If you are unable to do these on your own, I will be willing to help you. I limit this offer of help to d-cup or smaller. Anything larger than a d-cup and you are on your own.


Inclusion of this mod into other projects

Yes, under the condition that support for Bab and or Roberts v5 are not removed from this mod. Your mod must support Bab and Roberts v5. As long as you maintain the original file folder structure, then the user can easily convert it by a patch if there is one available.


I will be updating progress in this thread but don't expect it to be every day. Like I already said, most of my modding happens on the weekends.

I hope this answers most of the questions that some people may have had about this
mod. If you have any unanswered question, ask it here in this thread, not via PM. Your question and my answer can benefit others if asked here. :)

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 pm

WOW! I loved this movie! I have to ssay: Nice!
I just see one problem.
Only the females had the holes in their ears.
Looks great. Will we see some weapons too?

Also, don't know if this matters at all, but Jake and all the human avatars had 5 fingures on their Navi bodies
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:17 pm

This absolutely looks awesome! This weapon might go pretty well? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15516
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:43 pm

Very nice!

Can't wait to see the final version :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

WOW! I loved this movie! I have to ssay: Nice!
I just see one problem.
Only the females had the holes in their ears.
Looks great. Will we see some weapons too?

Also, don't know if this matters at all, but Jake and all the human avatars had 5 fingures on their Navi bodies
No need to worry about the ears. The males will have there own set of ears with no holes in them. I just haven't got around to making them yet.

As for the hands, if they have to be equipped by the player then it wont matter, it will be your choice. But if they are auto equipped by script, then we will have two races. Pure Na'vi and Na'vi human hybrid. :)

This absolutely looks awesome! This weapon might go pretty well? http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15516
It looks like a good fit to me, and it's a resource so no reason not to use it. :D

Very nice!

Can't wait to see the final version :)
Thanks. :)
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 pm

Avatar is awesome. Very nice work and they will only got better. Say, will they be ten feet tall as in the movie? :)
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patricia kris
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 pm

Bump - very excited to see that someone is working on this.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:45 am

10 feet tall probably can't be done in Tamriel. Too many problems with collision. Right now I've got them at about 8 feet and there are some issues. I'd say definitely taller than any NPC, but maybe not ten feet.

Now if you put them in a separate world space of Pandora I guess anything would be possible. And the people working on the Pandora project intend on doing exactly that.

They have a thread on Nexus http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=170284

I think there is a lot of interest in putting Avatar content into Oblivion. What convinced me was the number of hits I was getting on my PhotoBucket account whenever I posted pictures of my Na'vi on the screenshot thread. More hits than I've ever had before. PhotoBucket now tracks your pics accross the net and you can see where they are being reposted, and some of my Na'vi pictures were being linked to from web sites all over the world.

So I'm not sure how tall they'll be, but I think they will be big. :D
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carrie roche
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 pm

Woah, that's really good!
Pics look awesome.

I think it would be a waste of time doing the human na'vi race (5 fingers) because who wants to be Jake anyway? I'd rather just be myself.
Unless you really want it, I think it would be time consuming. It would be nice to have it anyway though.

I agree with having it less than 10 ft, that will cause lots of problems, maybe 2 or 3 more ft higher than nords maybe?
that may still have some collisions though, you make good points.

Big, yes, the ren't na'vi if they aren't big! :lol:

Hey, I just had a thought, if anyone makes Pandora (if they haven't already) should it be a good idea to have a teleporter to it, or is it going to be an addition to Tamriel?

Great work, I love it.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:18 pm

Yep, I thought that there could be problems as OB's collision is problematic. Anyway kudos on the great work, and Bab is a good choice for the body as it is the slimmest of the bodies.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:33 pm

I was hoping someone would make such a race, best of luck with this project :goodjob:
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sam westover
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:05 pm

I did a little work on the bio-luminescent face, with emissive glow properties. It was the first serious attempt I've made at this, and while I think it needs more work, it does show potential.

I'd like to explain how it works, and I'm sure that experienced modders will have no trouble understanding, but I know that to a lot of users, when you start talking about meshes and textures and uv maps and alpha channels, it's just tech speak and sounds like gobbledygook. :shrug:

They say a picture is worth a thousands words, so I put some pics together for anyone who is interested in learning how things work. Hopefully these pictures will speak better than I can. :)

How it all comes together

The end result
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Hayley Bristow
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:00 pm

Good lord this almost remind me of World of Warcraft
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evelina c
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:09 am

Looks like you have some competition. I wouldn't worry about it too much though, all they did was make them blue.

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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:45 pm

It looks really great, RedGuard Mage2. Keep up your good work! :)
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:59 pm

Include a Neytiri facefile / savegame and I'm sold.
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:06 pm

WOW! I loved this movie! I have to ssay: Nice!
I just see one problem.
Only the females had the holes in their ears.
Looks great. Will we see some weapons too?

Also, don't know if this matters at all, but Jake and all the human avatars had 5 fingures on their Navi bodies

lol........i was the exact opposite. everytime i would ooh and aaaah and the killer special effects i would wince in pain a second later and some horrible dialogue, cliched plot point or logic gaffe big enough to drive a bus through.

as for the pics were you planning on making them as tall as the navi cause that might cause some issues with navigating in interior cells. they look really good.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 pm

lol........i was the exact opposite. everytime i would ooh and aaaah and the killer special effects i would wince in pain a second later and some horrible dialogue, cliched plot point or logic gaffe big enough to drive a bus through.

as for the pics were you planning on making them as tall as the navi cause that might cause some issues with navigating in interior cells. they look really good.

I admit that the plot was pretty bad. I'm hoping that the sequils fix this problem. I didn't find any problem with the dialouge tho, and I really just don't understand what you mean by the last part.

Side note: I know this would probably be pretty hard, but is it possible that when we will play as a Na'vi shoot a bow in the same awesome backwards draw hand way they do? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Dj4GIUPe-oM/Sy8F1TVVb5I/AAAAAAAAAKE/WbfYjgvOPuY/s640/avatar_640_1-thumb-640xauto-10665.jpg And will we see some Na'vi weapons? If this must be left to others that is perfectly fine also.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 pm

It's looking great. Good work! To my eyes, they almost look complete.
Are you just shaping them up a little more and making the tail?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 am

Interesting weapon/clothing concepts from the Avatar game. Not sure if you are interested in making weapons....






Your latest pics are great :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 pm

Looks like you have some competition. I wouldn't worry about it too much though, all they did was make them blue.

Not worried at all. :ahhh: I mod because I enjoy modding. Even if there were a hundred Na'vi race Mods already released, it wouldn't stop me from doing mine.:mellow:

It looks really great, RedGuard Mage2. Keep up your good work! :)
Thanks selene310187 :)

Include a Neytiri facefile / savegame and I'm sold.
I will be including some save games with various faces with this mod. Don't know
if any will actually look like Neytiri, I'm not very experienced with the FaceGen
software but I'll do my best. B)

were you planning on making them as tall as the navi cause that might cause some issues with navigating in interior cells. they look really good.
No , not that tall. They will be as tall as they can be while still being
playable. They have to be playable, that's the key. ;)

is it possible that when we will play as a Na'vi shoot a bow in the same awesome backwards draw hand way they do? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Dj4GIUPe-oM/Sy8F1TVVb5I/AAAAAAAAAKE/WbfYjgvOPuY/s640/avatar_640_1-thumb-640xauto-10665.jpg And will we see some Na'vi weapons? If this must be left to others that is perfectly fine also.
I wouldn't rule it out, but it's not in the plans. I'm focusing only on
The race right now. :)

It's looking great. Good work! To my eyes, they almost look complete.
Are you just shaping them up a little more and making the tail?
Screen shots can be deceiving. The pictures aren't edited in any way,
but I have avoided showing worst parts of it. I might be guilty of setting too
high a standard for releasing a beta test version. I tend to be somewhat
self-conscious about people looking too closely at my work, especially when I
know it still needs a lot of work.

If I were only doing this for myself with no plans for release, then I would
probably do one really good hair style and call it finished. It is playable as is, and
I'm thinking that maybe I'll release a test version on the weekend. It will have
a lot wrong with it, but there is really no reason why you guys can't play around
with it while I continue to work on it. :)

Interesting weapon/clothing concepts from the Avatar game. Not sure if you are interested in making weapons....






Your latest pics are great :)
I do want to make weapons but they are not a priority right now. I want the race finished first.
I do think that the weapons concepts will have to come from the game rather than the movie, so thanks for the pics. :)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:30 pm

Just got back from the movie (which was amazing btw) and I gotta say, that race looks really good. :goodjob: Especially the sparkly things. One question, how large will they be compared to a human (men)? In the movie they appear to be almost twice as big but that'll probably be too big for Oblivion (it is sooooo big-people-unfriendly :rolleyes:).

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:34 pm

I admit that the plot was pretty bad. I'm hoping that the sequils fix this problem. I didn't find any problem with the dialouge tho, and I really just don't understand what you mean by the last part.

what sequels? the noble blue smurf furries defeated the evil mother nature killing humans, end of story.

im so depressed after seeing that movie because the humans didnt use planetbusters or regular nukes to clear the way first.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:32 pm

даёшь тэстить)))
give in-law(?) promt
textures look awesome!!! great job
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Marquis T
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:06 am

По поргрессу который я увидел плагин уже можно выставлять выделить полоски что бы были более заметные демонический хвост чучуть переделать будет нормально если следовать образу из фильма хвост na'vi похож на демонический+ещё причёсок пять шесть из фильма и игр ну и всё можно выставлять

By porgressu that I saw a plugin already can display that would make the strip have been more noticeable demonic tail chuchut would alter normal if you follow the image from the film tail na'vi like a demonic + more hair five or six from the film and games well, and everything can be put
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