» Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:59 am
Guess it was just too late last night to think clearly. I went through the readmes once again, and it looks like "Legendary Abilities" isn′t necessary anymore. I′ve kept "Grandmaster of Alchemy" for now - according to the readme it only adds new uber-master-equipment indeed (some mods I′ve been considering "must-have" for such a long time now that I meanwhile seem to forget what they′re actually doing...); at least it doesn′t mention anything like a steepened potion strength curve...? (From what I understand, that would be the effect of AVUncapper, though). A quick check of its contents also only showed me that this mod apparently needs some serious cleaning (and in the past it always was one of the very last mods in my load-order.. :facepalm: ). So Cerest (or anyone), any detailed info about that?
So, while that is (mostly) clear now, I′m still not sure about my first question. I (sort of) know how to use the nGCD-uncap-settings, and about the "easy solution" of "simple uncap=1". The reason for my doubts is mostly because of that quoted sentence mentioning the standard levelup-menu, since nGCD (and RL?) gets rid of that (or is that only an "interface tweak", so that it′s "technically" still there, so to speak?). Also, I sort of remember something I′ve read a few weeks/month ago, that tejon planned an update for nGCD, and that the reason was (partially?) AVUncapper, hence the doubt about compatibility with the "old" (current) nGCD-version 2.1.1...
So, basically, from what I understand it′s save to assume that ElysUncapper can be replaced with AVUncapper + JCN AVUncap, and the latter two being used together with nGCD + Progress without problems regarding the behaviour of stats/level >100? It will be just as well as using Elys′? I just dread the possibility that I (finally, after all those testing, restarting,...) have a stable setup, only to find out at mid-/high levels that things (stats, level,...) are getting weird...
Again, thanks for your replies!
@ JRoush: Since it′s you ;) , I readily have another little question: For alchemy, I also use (of course) "Alchemy Advanced", and as I see it now, while AVUncapper gives additional potential to potions/poisons with alchemy >100, your mod provides 4 additional effects (for skill above 100 with default settings), right? So I guess both should play together very well with default-settings?
Thanks again for your clear answer to my second question.