Is there anyone else that think that the XP you get for finishing quests is way to high compared to what you get from other things like killing enemies? In the beginning you get about 5xp for a kill and 250xp for a quest. I feel this makes the game feel less free in a way, since you are not awarded really for going on your own path and "creating your own adventure". Instead it is much better to just do the premade quests. I have also noticed that the actual xp reward for enemies is not always that even, for example I got more xp for killing a harmless ragstag compared to a dangerous mirlurk.
I don't remember if it was the same way in the previous Fallouts that you where very very rewarded for questing, but not so much other things. But then again I feelt you had more freedom in the quests also before so that was not so bad.
I have always thought that the "xp system" if you can call it that, in the ES series have been leaps and bounds above anything else in the genre, just because it maximize the potential for freedom. You don't have to do a single quest to develop your character if you don't want to. You can just do whatever you want, and you will develop your character as much as a person who just does quests. Now I understand if the way ES increases skills based on what you are actually doing, like your swordskill goes up when you use your sword and your lockpick skill goes up when you lockpick might not "fit" Fallout (but when I think about it I don't know why it would not). But it could still have a more even reward scheme so questing is not always totally mandatory almost if you want to go up in level anytime soon.