1) NPC will now have the ability to grab weapons that are next to them (on floors, tables, weapon racks, etc) and attack you.
2) Some NPC will actully Crawl away and cry/beg for thier life if you attack them, other npc will might come to help them and attack you.
3) Enemies sometimes wont attack you On Sight they might warn you as "Stay away" - "dont come any closer" and things like that .a wolf for example might just ignore you.
4) if you attack a group of enemies and defeat for example 3 out of 5 the remaining 2 will try to run away knowing they cant defeat you.
5) we can use Tanning & smithing for mix items, example a dagger made from gold and Wolf skin handle.
6) Jobs, are not Mini-games, you need to preforme certain actions such as chop wood, pull levers and press buttons to make a sawmill work.
7) you can now Invest In shops (not like we did in fallout 3 & oblivion)
8) you can Bash (push) some one using a bow.
9) there are different kinds of Bows,( Elven bows, hunting bows, etc) there are also different built of bows as Short bows and long bows.
10) enchented items Looks really good, for example Fire enchented axe will actully have some flames showing on it.
feel free adding Info to the list, and enjoy.