SP, awesome, MP, tragedy

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:11 am

Single player was awesome. Lots of cool moments and a lot of cool fights. The only this I didnt like was that every one of those alien thingies has to be taken down the same way, by punching the glass and releasing that black crap inside it.
The guns are amazing. They sound good and they handle good. The music, freaking epic!
Graphics look amazing on maxed out settings and dont lag one bit. Kept it at 60-100 fps at all times.
One more thing I didnt like is that the game is so centered on the 2 nano abilities, armor and cloak. I think they shouldnt be such a big deal but just a little bit of a bonus and not like 200% armor. In my opinion the suit itself should have 150% and armor mode should add 50% onto that.
Stealth is nice but overused. Veteran was quite challenging although I have not had a problem completing a mission. The cloaked guys at the end are quite challenging gotta say.
So SP was great. lots of action, effects, and overall I give the SP 9/10

Now multiplayer, *sigh*. Again armor abilities should not make so much of a difference.
The maps are horrible, too many ways into 1 building. Since we have the stealth ability there should be less of them.
Armor ability? that it pretty balanced in MP I admit, but still overused.
The aiming is hard but I kinda like that.
I get my ass handed to me most of the time but I really dont mind that, I love the challenge.
I think that the stealth tbh shouldnt be allowed to use in MP anyway. That just helps campers and its too hard to see when you have a lot to look out for and you forget to look for the cloak.
I think that the stealth ability should be more visible when moving and be as visible when stationery as it is in moving now. Does that make sense?
I think sniping is a little too hard. When people sprint you have very little chance to hit them.
Ive seen people on my team use stealth in a bush somewhere and sit there for the rest of the match and come out on top of the leaderboards. That shouldnt happen.
And I cant stress it enough in every game. This will not ruin the balance because sniping is already sort of challenging but for god sake make snipers 1 hit. Every game does the same mistake year after year and thats why snipers are underused, especially in this game.
Sum up of the MP
Armor, good
Stealth, too invisible
Sniping, too hard and underpowered, at least with the first sniper
Maps, absolutely horrific, too closed and way too many access points
Equipment, so far so good

Thats it:)
Thanks for sticking for so long :)
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