I have played the beta for ESO pretty extensively, and overall I have loved it! I was sold as soon as I got my first character to level 10, and I have already purchased the imperial edition.
I have only noticed one flaw in the core-mechanics themselves, and it is a catastrophic one in my eyes. If this is not fixed for commercial launch, it will take a lot out of the game.
This flaw is the lack of diversity between the one-handed weapons. I am speaking of axes, swords, daggers, and maces. They are all identical! They all have the same damage and stats, can all be upgraded the same way, and seem to hit at the same speed.
The main problem that I see is not that they are identical in themselves, but more that there are no skills which modify proficiency with a specific one! All of the dual-weilding and one-handed/shield skills broadly affect all of the one handed weapons. There are no skills specific to one weapon as in previous elder scrolls games, so there is no way to be more proficient at one.
Skyrim is nothing like ESO, and I would never compare them, but for all intents and purposes we need to look at this example. In skyrim, you could spec into daggers to get more sneak-attack damage, swords to get more accuracy, or maces and axes to get devastating critical damage.
In ESO, a nightblade would be just as proficient an assassin sneaking around with dual AXES or MACES as he would be using daggers. He receives no bonuses to sneak attacks using daggers or swords rather than clumsy bludgeoning weapons. To me, this seems like horrible game design.
Trust me, I have done my research. The ONLY class, armor, or weapon skill which gives individual bonuses to each of the single-handed weapons is Twin Blade and Blunt, the level 41 skill for dual-weilding. This gives a little bit of axes bleeding, maces bonus damage, swords overall damage, and daggers crit. This is a broad skill which gives small bonuses to all 4, even if you don't use all of them. At least this makes them a little bit different if you trait it, but this is still not what the game needs which is complete variety in these weapons. A dagger and sword are nothing like a mace and axe, and they should not play that way!
I have no idea how Bethesda overlooked this! This is the only core game mechanic which is really hurting, and needs to be fixed for an otherwise perfectly designed game. I only ask that they serve different purposes as they should. There needs to be more variety between axes, swords, daggers, and maces so they do different things better. This can be done by either changing their stats so that the damage and speed are different like in previous elder scrolls, or adding some passive skills to the class/weapon/armor trees which further differentiate between them and make them serve different purposes.
Here are my suggestions for making them serve different purposes as they should:
Add a passive skill giving sneak-attack bonuses to daggers?
Add a passive skill giving faster attacks or more damage to swords?
Add a passive skill giving a mini-stun, or mini-knockback, or more damage to maces?
Add a passive skill giving more potent, or longer lasting bleeds, or a chance to double-strike to axes?
Add a passive skill to templar or dragon knight giving them bonuses with axes, maces, or swords?
Add a passive skill to nightblade giving bonuses with daggers?
What are your ideas? Agree or disagree with anything? Let's give them something to work from and get the ball rolling.