» Tue Sep 06, 2011 1:25 am
Ok, here's a little heads up for you, I have both good and bad news.
The good news is the mod is freaking amazing, is very well balanced and in no way a game breaker, it looks like it has always been there. No gameplay issues so far, and finally having a high Magicka for a strictly combat&stealth based character does make perfectly sense.
The bad news [not so bad, actually] is I came across a little glitch using arcane shots in conjunction with MDLAA, an OBGE anti-aliasing shader. The heart-beating animation you made for the timed shot disables temporarily the MDLAA shader, hence causing screen flashes while using Arcane Shots. Took me a while to find this out. I'm no shader guy at all and I have no idea on how to solve this, you might want to check the latest http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1226209-relwip-oblivion-graphics-extender/ thread and ask there for some hint.
Other than that the mod is stable, fast, very well responsive, and so far completely bug free as far as I can tell. I'll make sure to get back to you whenever I find anything odd.
Congrats, you did a hell of a job :foodndrink: