I've just started a game with ALEX and haven't gotten near any ruins yet, but if I understand the concept correctly, the armour stand functions would be detrimental in this case. They would serve to fill any empty spaces with any loot that is found, but from the request given I would assume that ALEX places specific loot, not randomly generated loot, and that the display case is supposed to fill with the items as found. That would leave any empty spots as clues that there is still more loot out there to be found.
If that's the case, then you would want to make it with simple disabled copies of all the loot, and enable them as they are found.
On the contrary, ALEX loot is random. Very random! It's very hard indeed to get a full set of the rarest two sets. Of course, the player can always resort to purchasing the stuff if they're really desperate and *if* they can find it for sale. And yes, set spaces for each item will remind the player there's more to get.
But portableeeee!

Ok, I'll share my idea if nobody objects:
- the display is a something like shelves with slots for each item in the set
- you buy an universal display and place it where ever you want, while being able to pick it up again and move it to another location
- when you place first item on it, it stops being universal and you can place only items from that particular set (unless you take everything off and place something from another set)
I think that it would be more elegant than having display that works only with particular set, if anyone understands my mumblings.

What others think?
Yes, I like that idea, though I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement that way. Also, remember that a simple display case won't work all that well. It'll need to be customised somewhat. Why? Two reasons: http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll61/Revanchism/Ayleid%20Loot/ScreenShot247.jpg, and even if it was, the smaller items like the cutlery just
won't get seen properly in a regular display case. I've got an idea for that though...
I have played and soundly enjoyed ALEX for some time, so thank you Vacuity. I have many times thought (though not in such a well structured or articulate manner) that just such a thing would be one of the only ways to improve upon this already great mod. I must therefore add my voice -- if you do decide to add this functionality to ALEX it would be welcomed and gratefully appreciated.
Well, no promises or anything and certainly not that soon: I'm partway through a major II update, I've got resources for no less than three other modders that I said I'd make, and I'd quite like to implement The Filthy Spaniard's shining creatures method for some of my VASE creatures...
Oh, and Garx is very good at the well structured and articulate bits: one of the most well-spoken members of the forum, I think.